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Canadian Youth Pull Comp

Started by cookie311993, July 16, 2011, 09:48:40 PM

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Sure I'll give it a go cookie :)


thanks CF and how can you say that maca when you dont even have a community. UAE has better value for money youth pulls since they have 776 youth players to choose from for nats


Not many at all :-x
Not sure on the math but it's a 1 in about 68 chance you will pull a future nat ATM.


Sorry cookie actually sounds good & would join but I probably will be running one for Pakistan again so I can't really :P


yeah pretty good chance for UAe.

How how we settle the mood with a little joke
A scientiest decide to create a robot which slaps someone if they lie. So the scientist decides to test it at dinner time. He takes it down to the dinner table and he asks his son.
dad: "Where were you today"
son : "At school" The robot walks over and slaps the son
The dad asks again "Where were you really?"
son : "At a mates watching movies"
Father: " What movie did you watch?"
Son:"Toy Story" Robot walks over and slaps th son.
Father: " What were you really watching?"
Son: "Porno"
dad : when i was your age i didnt even know what porno was. Robot walks over and slaps the dad
Mother: well he is definitely your son. Robot walks over and slaps the mum


im in

<--- so are these three

Master Q

Firstly Cookie. It's quite obvious that Canada have some real talent - not in FTP, but in Brainwashing. They've brainwashed you into thinking you are the key of their community. It's funny, Kenya U19 have the lowest player pull, yet we made it to the Semi-Finals. If you were the better team, all you had to do was set OK tactics to beat us. But no, you didn't beat us because we were clearly the better team, and one of the favourites to make the WC Grand Final.

You've also shown that you have learnt something from your offsite - not FTP wise, but a good understanding of brainwashing. Presenting BB, a great example. A great young lad, smart, eager - sucked in by you Canadians. Such a shame he's gone. How's his friend Luigi?

Kenya, clearly are not desperate. We do with what we have, of course we would like more players but we have to deal with it. Unfortunately, at the Canadian off-site they don't teach you many things academically - it's sad to see someone who just sticks with the same game plan. Same lines over and over. You can tease me about the USA, but what about your own members? I'm sure some of them take interest in another community. And I quote.
QuoteDK and drumfoot both take part in our canadian competitions.
. I sense some hypercritical thinking inside of you.

You can keep crying about Canada losing to Kenya, and how bad your manager was. You voted him in - plus, if your plans were that great surely the manager would listen - or do they not care about you?

According to your election thread, you thought your management was very bad. But not according to the actual managment team. Backstabbing?

Good Day Cookie. Just want to show you that I'll speak what I think, and that you don't call people pricks for asking questions.


For BB:  :P


Quote from: Master Q on July 16, 2011, 11:36:22 PM
Firstly Cookie. It's quite obvious that Canada have some real talent - not in FTP, but in Brainwashing. They've brainwashed you into thinking you are the key of their community. It's funny, Kenya U19 have the lowest player pull, yet we made it to the Semi-Finals. If you were the better team, all you had to do was set OK tactics to beat us. But no, you didn't beat us because we were clearly the better team, and one of the favourites to make the WC Grand Final.

You've also shown that you have learnt something from your offsite - not FTP wise, but a good understanding of brainwashing. Presenting BB, a great example. A great young lad, smart, eager - sucked in by you Canadians. Such a shame he's gone. How's his friend Luigi?

Kenya, clearly are not desperate. We do with what we have, of course we would like more players but we have to deal with it. Unfortunately, at the Canadian off-site they don't teach you many things academically - it's sad to see someone who just sticks with the same game plan. Same lines over and over. You can tease me about the USA, but what about your own members? I'm sure some of them take interest in another community. And I quote.
QuoteDK and drumfoot both take part in our canadian competitions.
. I sense some hypercritical thinking inside of you.

You can keep crying about Canada losing to Kenya, and how bad your manager was. You voted him in - plus, if your plans were that great surely the manager would listen - or do they not care about you?

According to your election thread, you thought your management was very bad. But not according to the actual managment team. Backstabbing?

Good Day Cookie. Just want to show you that I'll speak what I think, and that you don't call people pricks for asking questions.


For BB:  :P

Q has a point... Canada are shower.

Master Q


I never said i was the key to the flowering community. Find one post where i said that. Hmm i cant remember saying it. flowering purely by fluke and nothing to do with you. How long have you been playing and yet your team is still shower? i would quit if my team was as shower as yours q. Favourites and really who mentioned that you were the favourite.

Brainwashing what the flower? you have watched too much star trek you loony. BB joined because he wanted to join Canada if he wanted to join Kenya i am sure he would but considering you are a flower head that causes fights why would he.

Same lines over and over maybe you are right first common sense to come from your pathetic self. I didnt vote him in and i wouldnt vote for you so best you not dominate for Kenya or any other nations since you are so desperate to be apart of the management team. You brag about mordt being a gun keeper? How many runs did he score at the world cup? Was it O. 2 golden ducks.

I didnt think it was good at all. The community and other FTP managers mentioned it as they felt because i was the least experienced of the top 3 my word wasnt heard. I didnt call you a prick for asking questions. I try and get some players for my 1 community and you come in like a flower head acting like a prick calling me stingey. If you dont like it dont enter. I wasnt asking for your two cents worth so keep your mouth shut.


I have to agree on Mordt. They really should've taken Lalor  :P

Oh and just to break up the fighting. Here's some more Laura Vandervoort  :P


they should have dropped mordt when q bought him. His academy wasnt good enough to keep progressing him


im pretty sure this is just a on line managing game which when i read the rules and crap about it....only 4-5 weeks ago there where no big cash prizes for it so how bout we calm the flower down and get on with having a bit of fun.
if you dont want to enter dont
no need to start bagging each other for who they support.....unless you bag a collingwood suporter..they deserve it.


BP you know how to calm a man down. Would be better if she was wearing less? And cyrus i agree if q didnt like my idea so be it he doesnt have to open his mouth bagging me out calling me stingey


Quote from: cookie311993 on July 16, 2011, 11:53:21 PM
BP you know how to calm a man down. Would be better if she was wearing less?

Oh all right just for you :P