Petrie v Sylvia v NVolt

Started by dmagnus, July 14, 2011, 06:48:49 PM

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someone needs to take a seat. who should it be?



Nick Riewoldt, just. Petrie should carve it up against the Bulldogs - who's tall enough to mark him? Also they can't double team him like teams have recently, don't have enough tall defenders.

Would've said Sylvia if he wasn't playing Port.


thanks guys I am now leaning towards Nvolt now.... Bullies dont have a tall defender for Petrie and Nick is playing against the eagles forward press so hmm

we'll see if Sylvia is rejuved by the bye


firstly they've got to get the ball down to petrie and secondly the dogs have williams , who is playing some very good footy and morris.


Your kidding me! you have that much depth??
I have no cover at all!!
Stupid amount of hawks in my team though.....
Voldt will get Darren Glass/ Eric Makenzie so he is screwed.....


Ha mate! Lots of depth across all lines, half my team is dpp ;)
But no hawks :P which is good this week but not so much other weeks!


NO HAWKS!?!??!?!?!?!?
Highest scoring DT team and no hawks!?!?!
MPP does help though.


Yeah... no Mitchell or Shiels in mids and no Franklin up front but my mid and fwd lines are tough
So yeah Suckling is the main drawback but other than that I haven't really missed out too much