Trading for FINALS

Started by Arradin, July 08, 2011, 03:17:13 PM

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Ok I think I am in an "alright" position heading into finals. However I have no strategy from here on in. What are my next moves to make??
ANY help is much appreciated

Here is my team
12 trades left with $71,400 in the kitty

Gibbs Delidio Shaw Goddard Broughton Adcock Heppell
(Stanley Puopolo Jacobs)

Ablett Pendlebury Swan Boyd Bartel Smith
(Hibberd Bewick Prestia)

Cox Sandilands
(Smith Tippet)

Fyfe Franklin Pavlich Petrie NRiewoldt Higgins Knights
(mzungo Howe Richardson)

Where do I start??? Which line needs upgrading the most???


Heppel or Jacobs to Suckling after the bye.

Mitchell or Priddis into the mids.

Rok or Goodes into the Fwds, Knights out.

Just need to check good downgrade options as well.

Rookies to go >
DEF - Jacobs and Heppel
MID - Prestia and Bewick
RUCKS - Z Smith
FWDs - Knights and Howe

Plenty of downgrade options there. 1 up 1 down.


well u need to make some moves in that forward line as u have no Pav, Fyfe, Mzungu or Knights this week
I would go:
-Sandi to Lobbe - pocket some big cash and Sandi still out for another 3 weeks and you have the trades to get him back if he dominates again
-then make the move of Petrie into your rucks and Lobbe as a forward emg - Petrie more reliable then Lobbe or ZSmith (i think Lobbe is dpp, if not doesnt matter
-Knights to ROK - i believe ROK is a great unique, trouble is the upcoming Swans bye, but you have the cover there
-then swap Prestia with Mzungu/Pavlich/Fyfe -

then next week, using your remaining Sandi cash go:
-Stanley to Fisher & Puopolo to Suckling
or go for a downgrade


Having 12 trades puts you in a great position..Upgrade those rookies as quickly as you can!!


Thanks for the help everyone

What do you think of trading Z smith to lobbe as it gives me enough money to go knights to okeefe this week and stanley to fisher next week and i can hold onto sandi for a late finals charge? or do I just trade sandi and trade him back in if he does good?