z smith to griffin

Started by scotty_222, July 08, 2011, 11:33:32 AM

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Sandilands will be back for sure this year.  He may break down again but...


Do It!! Still have at least 4 rounds til he gets Dropped (If He Does) Plus if He gets dropped you have Cover with Bailey (Reliable 60-70) or Petrie (Great Scorer but May drop If Mcinitosh comes back) Griffin Looks Wuite Reliable and Cosistent And I wouldn't be Surprised by Round 20 if He Starts Playing Forward with A 2 Ruck Rotation (Like Cox And Natanui and Hille and Ryder) His got Great Job Security til Sandi Comes Back. He is A better player than Lobbe! I reckon Lobbe had a Fluke the Last 2 Rounds. I wish I had Eough Trades to do that right now so realy Ignore the "When Sandi comes Back his Gone" His Acually Playing more Effective than Sandilands riht now so I see No Reason For Mark Harvey to Drop Him!!  ;)