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Strange Things Do Happen...

Started by RiOtChEsS, July 08, 2011, 04:05:39 AM

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On my way home from work tonight i decided to take a different route home... dont no why just felt compelled too, so im driving up the road still within the township about 9pm at night and i see a shadow of a little boy up ahead crossing the road and my first reaction was Gz nice parenting letting the kid cross the road on his own >:( i get a little closer and im scanning both sides of the road and there is no parents :o there is nobody with this little kid at all >:( so i turn the car around and head back, the kid is walking down the middle of the road with no shoes in his PJ's and looking a little concerned id turned around.
To my absolute horror this little boy was not much older than my son he would be lucky to be 3 years old, i pull over to have a chat to him as it is quite literally 9 degrees out, i asked him where he was going and he said something along the lines of going to see nanna but there were alot more words in what he said but i couldnt decipher it, i turn my hazard lights on still expecting parents or supervision to come from somewhere, i asked where was mum and dad and again i got more i couldnt understand, i asked him his name but he didnt seem to understand, i asked was he cold and he said yes :( poor lil man's hands and feet were frozen so i turned up the heaters in the car to the maximum and ask him to sit in the back seat while i ring the police.
The operator i spoke to must have been on her first week bcos she deleted the report twice before getting it to a patrol, we dont get a direct line after 5pm ::) the kid is starting to feel more comfortable with me and is doing his best to talk to me but i still cant but make out a few words here and there but he seems content and not at all worried, anyway 25 minutes later the police patrol arrives and he has a go at trying gather information from the little man but with no luck, he was just as puzzled as i were.
I went over some details of how i came across him and where i thought he may have come from but no luck...
The officer said he would take him to the station and hope for the parents to realize he was missing and call in otherwise they would need to keep him overnight :( i asked him to plz let me know what the outcome was as it would ease my worry for him...

Three hours later :o he rang and said the parents had just picked him up, apparently he had climbed out of a window and gone walk about ??? mmm i cant buy that this boy was 3ft tall at best, nonetheless he had made it back home to his family so ive got to be happy with that :)
When i got home fair to say i checked on my son :P of course he was there and sound asleep but it was one of those moments ur extra grateful for a safe and healthy family 8)

Im still unsure why i took a different way home :-\ first time this year id taken a different road home Strange Things Do Happen


Amazing stuff there Marcz. Glad he got home :)


I read the first half and expected a ghost story :P
Well done marcz, but I think it wasn't coincidence you went down that road. Everything happens for a reason, and who knows what would have happened if you hadn't found the kid.

Miss Pies

That is a very heart felt story. So glad you found him and there was a good ending. His parents would have been over the moon that you helped him. :)

Justin Bieber

Quote from: Fletch74 on July 08, 2011, 09:32:51 AM
Amazing stuff there Marcz. Glad he got home :)
Yep. Awesome stuff staying with the kid until you could get help.

Still can't believe they would let a small child climb out a window :o.

Master Q


Great Story :D

and nice to know it has a happy ending :)


Thanks everyone, i think anyone would have done what i did atleast id like to think that someone would do that for my child...

i think im still in a bit of shock that there was a little boy out at that time of night and that i went that way...

in the 15 months ive lived where i am now that was the 2nd time i went that way...


Great read Marcz.

If i were the parents of that little boy, i would write a letter and along with a dinner voucher place it in an envelope, and ask the police to forward it off to you.



Good stuff Marcz ;)
Nice to see we have many good samaritans in the community.


thats great marcz :)
those parents should be so grateful that you came along and not some sicko.