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AFL Dynasty Draft: Who's team is best?

Started by Maca24, July 05, 2011, 11:10:11 AM

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Our teams were made based on who can win the most premierships for aslong as possible.
Everyone has written out their game plan as such, so please read!


Maca's Immortals - Team Flexibilty

I had this flexibilty strategy before we decided to pick 30 players. so its kind of hurt me their.
But please consider how it would of worked with 22 players. Thanks 

B: J.Drummond, D.Glass (VC), A.Davey.
HB: H.Shaw, C.Hooker, S.Gilbert.
C: K.Simpson, L.Montagna, T.Rockliff.
HF: T.Varcoe, J.Waite, D.Zaharakis.
F: E.Betts, M.Hurley, A.Krakouer.
R: D.Cox (C), J.Bartel, C.Rioli.
INT: T.Goldstein, N.Van Berlo, A.Walker.
SUB: M.Rosa
RESERVES: J.Anthony, A.Siposs, N.Lower, P.Hanley, J.King, T.Liberatore, D.Cassisi (VC), L.McGuane.

Ok so here is my team. Im happy with it

Backline: I have LOADS of rebound here. Should be able to kick through any forward press/rolling zone.
Drummond, one of the best kicks in the game, Sam Gilbert who provides great run and carry.
Aaron Davey just a great kick and Heath Shaw, probably the best rebounding defender in the league at the moment.
Darren Glass and Cale Hooker, great key position backman who should be able to shut down most forwards.
My team has fantastic versatility. Waite and Hurley can both go down back when we are in trouble.
Also I have McGuane in reserve, who is a player that can hold his own.
Pearce Hanley is my back up rebounder who provides fantastic run.

Midfield: Stacked these early. Rioli is going to be BIG. Can also go up forward and kick a bag.
He will be my clearance king. Bartel and Montagna at the centre bounces should also dominate.
The key here is that I have Cox and Goldstein, the best ruck combo in this draft IMO (Im biased  )
I should win loads of clearances with this onball unit.
Simpson and Rockliff on the wings. Simpson loves the wing, and Rockliff will switch into the centre square, cas I love his hardness.
Again Flexibilty is key. Varcoe, Zaharakis, Davey and Krakouer can all move through the middle on game day.
Van Berlo, Rosa, Lower, Cassisi, Liberatore and Lower are great reserves who provide leadership, depth and a hard edge in the middle.

Forwards: My weakest part IMO but Ive done my best to recover it. Hurley and Waite are my big forwards, but my main strategy is to get the ball to ground for Betts and Krakouer. Andy Walker was a great late pickuup for me. Will kick bags of goals alongside Waite and Hurley. Jack Anthony and Aaryn Siposs in reserve. Anthony has proven he can kick 50+ goals and Siposs is my future CHF who Ill develop. Varcoe and Zaharakis on the flanks. Basically like having 2 extra midfielders. They both know how to find the goals and the strategy here is for them to run from the wings straight towards the goals, taking advantage of their speed and kick goals on the run. Jake King in reserve. Great team man who provides forward pressure and hardness in that forward line.
I should havee the ball constantly trapped in the Forward 50 with Krak, Betts and Varcoe providfing great defense.

Rucks: Goldy and Cox. Enough said 

Overall: My team is based on Flexibilty. Can cover all positions and confuse other coaches with my constant switches.
My teams plan is to run and carry, use our amazing foot skills. Will be unbeatable with ball use.
Its a pretty young team but is also ready now. So can contend for current and future flags.
Has good forward pressurers, enough goalkickers, clearnace kings, outside runners, dominate ruckman and ofcourse rebound.
Thats my write up, hope you understood my point. 


FB: C. Brown, B. Rutten, P. Davis
HB: L. Hodge, N. Bock, S. Selwood
C: R. Douglas, C. Ward,  D. Beams
HF: R. Gray, C. Dawes, J. Sherman
FF: J. Garlett, J. Grant, J. Porplyzia
Foll: A. Sandilands, K. Jack, C. Morton

Bench: N. Naitanui R. Sloane,  M. Brown (Eagles)
Sub: J. Ziebell

Depth: R. Schoenmakers, T. Collier, B. Houli, Brad Ebert, A. Edwards, S. McKernan , S. Jacobs, A. Otten

Now to explain it

The backs is probably my strongest area in my opinion. Having Rutten and Bock there to take out the 2 key forwards of the opponent with Campbell Brown and Phil Davis looking after the smaller forwards and mopping up from ground level. If they play with 3 talls Davis can go to the third or I can bring on Mitch Brown or Ryan Schoenmakers who are both great KPP prospects. Then to add the run out of the back got the original quarterback player Luke Hodge, and on the other wing Scott Selwood, plus waiting in the wings Andy Otten and Tom Collier. Both of them are good young players who can play on talls or smalls.

Mids I have gone very young, but all have great potential. To play in the guts got Kieran Jack and Callan Ward who both can win their own ball and are hard at the footy, same goes with Sloane on the bench, he is one of the hardest guys around in my opinion. These three will win contested ball and get it out to the outside players Douglas, Beams and Cale Morton, all three have speed and are classy with the football. For depth I have Houli and Brad Ebert waiting for their chance.

I think the best in the draft. Big 211 and Nic Nat. The best ruckman in the game and the ruckman with the most potential. Both can also go play forward if required to add another target, Sandi just because of his height and Naitanui because of his amazing athleticism and jumping ability. If one of them ever got injured got the very capable Sam Jacobs as a reserve.

Not my strongest point but can still get the job done. Dawes and Grant to play as the talls up forward, Dawes just a brute and Grant when he puts on a bit more muscle will be a dominant FF. Picking up their crumbs are Garlett and the Porpoisem, 2 of the best crumbers around who can score from any angle. Gray and Sherman add the speed and link up play, which is what Ziebell can also do when he comes on the field. Then as reserves got Edwards and McKernan. Edwards very strong overhead and starting to improve his goal scoring. McKernan more of a utility player, he can play as a tall forward, tall back or play in the ruck if needed.

So there you have it, that is my team


B: Hardingham, Frawley, Gwilt
HB: Goddard(C), Mcpharlin, Malceski
C: Kennedy, Mundy, Hannebery
HF: Bastinac, Cloke, Sidebottom
F: Lecras, Crameri, Blair
Foll: Clark, Priddis(VC), Martin
Int: Bellchambers, Jones, Grundy Sub: Gysberts

Lynch (GC)

Defence: I have 3 great KPP's in Frawley, Mcpharlin & Grundy (on the bench) who should be able to shut down the opposition's key fwd's most weeks, then I have Hardingham & Gwilt to cover the smalls & can also play on taller opponents if needed, Malceski is there for his run off HB & Goddard is the best player in the comp when in form. I also have Goldsack, Silvagni & Carlisle in reserve who can all hold down key spots.

Midfield: Have 2 young swans in Hannebery & Kennedy who both broke out last year & are still going strong this year, Martin who is close to All Aus form in only his 2nd season and Priddis & Mundy are 2 of the best in & under players in the comp. I also have one of the best taggers in Jones on the bench. Goddard, Bastinac, Sidebottom, Lecras & even Blair can all play the middle as well. Gysberts is an exciting player who can rack up disposals and have an impact as well making him a good sub imo. Corey & Burgoyne in the reserves bring experience. Morabito & Duncan can also play in the middle.

Forwards: Fairly happy with the end result of my fwd line. Cloke is the in form CHF this year & combined with Crameri they will form the spine of my forward line. I also have Lecras who is the best small fwd around & Blair is a decent crumber. Sidebottom has shown he can play forward & kick goals as well as run through the middle & is still very young even though he is already a premiership player. Bastinac will rotate with Hannebery & Kennedy. Clark & Grundy can also switch forward when needed.  In reserves I have mainly younger forward prospects in Carlisle, Lynch, Duncan & Morabito but also have the experienced Burgoyne who can play fwd as well.

Rucks: Clark is my main ruckman & is one of the most versatile ruckmen around as he is able to play as a genuine key forward when needed. Bellchambers on the bench is a great tap ruckman & a good contested mark as well.  A fairly young ruck duo but both have a lot of improvement left in them. Lynch can also go into the ruck if one of them goes down.

Overall I've gone for a pretty young side but I believe it can contend now & in the future & as it was a dynasty draft that was my aim

Hopefully that makes sense am in a bit of a rush


B: Dempsey, lonergan, Gilbee
HB: Deledio, Rivers, Birchall
C: Redden,Boak, Trengrove
HF: D.Thomas, Jurrah, J.Mcveigh
FF: Banfield, Tippett, L.Thomas
FOL: Mumford, Pendlebury(VC),Scully
Int: Moloney, N.Jones, Ling (C), Carlile

Ext: M.Robinson, M.Maguire, J.Hill, Vardy, Savage, Hawkins, Hocking, Reid,

The backline is the oldest and most experienced section of the team with lonergan, rivers starting on the field then the younger alipate carlile coming off the bench they are the key position defenders. I think there is a lot of run out of the backline with the small defenders because you have Birchall and Deledio running off half back whom both are great runners of they ball off half back and can quite often set up some great play and can both be X- factors of a game. you also have Gilbee and dempsey down there who are both good runners of the ball as well so i think my backline has a great mix of players.

I would say my midfield is mixed with some very experienced and some not soexperienced players but it would have to be my best part of my team. starting with Pendlebury and scully on the ball and boak in the centre with redden and trengove on the wings that is a nice young midfield there with Dale thomas able to move into the midfield from HFF if needed aswell. Then you have Ling, Nathan Jones and Brent Moloney who are all very accomplished midfielders to come in off the bench you have ling who can tag if needed and also Hocking and Savage and Robinsin in reservers to come in is good depth. So over all a good forward line imo.

Forward: Porbably my weakest department, My KPP are Jurrah and Tippett who are both still quite young and alson Sam reid who is going to be a great KP forward in the reserves, then with Lindsay Thomas, Dale Thomas, Banfield and Jarrad Mcveigh as the small forwards they all have a good run on them and LIndsay thomas can definately take a good strong mark down forward, Dale Thomas is an X-factor type of player aswell then you have MCveigh and banfield who can both snag one or two aswell so a pretty young forward line aswell with Josh hill able to come in from the reserves and Nathan Vardy and Tom Hawkins as another Key Forward if needed.

Mumford is my main ruckman who is now one of the best ruckman in the league when fully fit and Tippett can come in to the ruck when needed to give mumford a rest as tippett is a handy ruckman aswell, then with one of the up and coming ruckman Vardy who seems to be doing very well on the ext bench i think my rucks are quite good then if  really needed there is tom hawkins who can play part time ruck as well as a key forward.

Whole team: I think this team has a good mix of mostly young players and a few older ones will work well the team has a lot of run in the midfielders and the small forwards and defenders so i imagine my team would play in a rather fast style Cameron Ling would be my Captain with Pendles being the vice captain for when ling retires.



FOL:Renouf,Watson(c),Dal Santo



Defense: Very young back line but all of these guys are gun players in the afl or for there team.I have my main two key backs in Pears and Reid.Stratton who can play on small or tall,Mackie who is a rebounding defender(but can play on talls).Harbrow who is a awesome rebounding defender and Gibbs who can be a rebounding defender,float into the midfield or play on a small.Trengove can also be rotated through there And guerra is a great defender and my most expirnced.My reserves for kpp defenders are strong in Patfull and Young Hutchins and Hendo can also play down there.

Midfield:My midfield is lead by the likes of Swan and Watson who are two of the best midfielders in the afl.Dal Santo is also a great midfielder.Young and Bennel both have that X factor.Ther both very pacey and young has a huge kick.Shiels is also one of the most improved players in the AFL and can only get better.Kerr and Foley are very expreinced and strong backups and players like gibbs and lewis can rotate through there.

Forward:Probaly my weakest spot.Walker will be a gun forward in a season or 2 at GWS ( ).Westoff also has great potenital but still needs to improve alot.My small fowards are very stong i belive in Shicnder,Matera and Monfries.and Lewis is a quality middie who moves into the forward line.My sub in Breust is a great sub because he is quick and can have an impact on the game in a short amount of time.In my reserves i have two great potenial blokes in henderson and Day and Dick is also in the reserves

Ruck:Brent Renouf is my number one ruck.Not the greatest ruck but he is fairly good and can only get better.I dont have a dedicated 2nd ruk in my best 22 but trengove is very capable at rucking and westoff can ruck as well.Graham is a quality Reserve


B: Broughton, Chaplin, Grima
HB: Hurn, H. Taylor, Maxwell (C)
C: Embley, Rich, Rischitelli
HF: Chapman, Franklin, Brennan
F: Watts, Petrie, Nahas
R: Z. Smith, A. Swallow (VC), Mitchell
I/C: H. Hartlett, Scotland, Vickery SUB: S. Hill

Depth: S. Martin, Gilham, J. Steven, C. Knights, T. Hunt, Laidler, R. Henderson, C. Dixon

Probably a Key to my team. I have several Key Position Backman where, in the AFL, can never have enough Quality Backmen. Broughton is a great talent and is a solid running backman. He will get the small defender as will Hurn. Hurn will be my quarterback to boot the ball down the field. At anytime he is being tagged, Maxwell is the man out of defence, which he can do to great effect. Grima can play on talls or small so provide that added versatility down back. Chaplin and Harry Taylor bring up the spine of the my defence and can prove quite a duo. Chaplin gets the deep forward and Taylor has the ability to hold the CHF. And at anytime if they can't hold down their man, I can easily change Grima onto one of them. On the bench have Scotland who can play a disposal machine off half back if needed. With the depth I went with Gilham who is in the top 2 Key Defenders at Hawthorn and is a solid backup to Chaplin/Taylor. Add to that Stefan Martin as yet another Key Back option and it shows how strong it is even if injuries strike. Threw in the Youth of Laidler and Taylor Hunt and my backline is set for the entire 5 seasons easily. These two are turning into very poised backmen for their team and aren't afraid to take on the game.

Potentially the most lethal line. Embley and Riska bringing the ball on the wings will mean my runners will be my strong point by far. To back them up I also chose Hartlett and Hill will will certainly be quite a bit of added pace and will be Superstars in the near future with their talent. In and Unders on field is Andrew Swallow and Sam Mitchell, no explanation needed as they are great at getting the hard ball and arguably the in the top 10 in the AFL for inside midfielders. On the bench I also have Scotland who has the ability to run through the midfield not to mention Chapman and Brennan in the forwardline who can be just as lethal as anybody. Limited depth as the majority of my midfield are in the starting team. Jack Steven is turning into a consistent inside midfielder who can play small forward and kick a few goals. Ricky Henderson can play a little on the wings and same with Knights if needed.

I'd say my weakest point but they have the potential to be good for the overall dynamic of the team. Zac Smith has shown confidence and consistent ability to perform at AFL level in his first season. Certainly will only rise from here. To back him up have Petrie and Vickery on field. Having both these guys allow for easy rotation from forwards to part time ruck when Smith needs a rest. Works very well as have some experience in Petrie combined with the potential in Smith and Vickery. For added backup is Stefan Martin who is underrated. He has been a very good pinch-hitting ruckman. He may not be the best tap ruckman out there, but his work around the ground is phenomenal. Adding to that he's yet another versatile part-timer, it creates very flexible partnerships for Smith.

I'd hope my Forwards would be the most lethal out there. Chapman, Buddy and Brennan on that Half forward will give most defenders nightmares. All are Gamebreakers and can't send all the attention to just one player without feeling the effects through the other two. Throw in Watts and Petrie and it's quite a tall lineup. This will trouble all defences when it comes to matchups. If they lack the talls, they'll get beaten in the air. Nahas as a forward pocket will do very well when he's crumbing to these two guys. Not to mention the pace of Buddy and Brennan, although they are tall, it's a very dangerous forward set up. Watts was chosen as he's got an abundance of potential and is just starting to show what he can do. Not to mention Vickery on the bench who could easily replace Petrie in time and that's quite a combo in the Key Forward department. Buddy + Watts + Vickery = Dominance in the Talls in 2 seasons. The depth sees Ricky Henderson, Knights and Jack Steven who can add another small to the setup if needed. Good options as if we need help for Nahas, can easily call any of the three up and we'll know what we are getting. Charlie Dixon was probably my worst pick of the draft (Due to picking him so early) but adds yet another Prospect in the Key Forward department making it one of the most backed up in the draft.

Maxwell gets Captain as he seems to set a great example for young players. He does his job and keeps pushing others around him, perfect for a Captain as he shows hard work pays off. Andrew Swallow gets Vice as he's a Captain in waiting .



FB - G.Johncock B.Lake J.Gibson
HB - J.Adcock N.Brown J.Russell
C - B.Stanton L.Hayes(C) D.Wells
HF - S.Johnson M.Pavlich C.Sylvia
FF - H.Ballantyne J.Kennedy L.Shuey
Foll - M.Jamar J.Selwood(VC) S.Thompson
I/C - D.Swallow S.Black J.Gram
SUB - Lew.Jetta


My backline i feel is pretty solid i have a mix of young and old. B.Lake is the key i hope he would play like the B.Lake of last year and if he does he is the best FB in the AFL. N.Brown is one of the most promising CHB going at the moment he's already made a name for himself being able to hold some of the great CHF of the game. J.Gibson gives me a bit of versatilty with his ability to play on either big or small fowards. Having running players such as J.Adcock, J.Russell and G.Johncock running out of the backline it will hopefully give me plenty of rebound giving me quick suply to my forward line.

I feel my midfield is extremely strong with Hayes, Thompson and Selwood in the middle it's going to be very hard for a team to beat them at the centre clearances. Also having Stanton and Wells out on the wings i am going to have plenty of run and drive into my forward line. The thing with my Midfield is the fact that while i have a few more experianced midfielders (L.Hayes, S.Black, S.Thompson) i also have the young players needed to keep my midfield very strong once there gone with J.Selwood (23), D.Swallow (18), L.Shuey (21), Cunnington (20) L.Jetta (22) .

Both my ruckman are of good quaity with Jamar and MacIntosh so i'm happy in that department.

I feel this is the Strongest part of My team first off having my HF line of S.Johnson, M.Pavlich and C.Sylvia just looking at those names all playing alongside each other is just mouth watering all these blokes speak for themselves. J.Kennedy one of the most promisingyoung FF in the game at the moment is just starting to really hit his straps and show exactly what he is capable of. Also having Ballantyne roving and niggling around in the forwad line just adds another dimension to this team.

I feel my team has that good mix of young old and players in there prime there are plenty of players who can rotate between all positions all over the field. L.Hayes is my captain with J.Selwood as my Vice Captain taking over when Hayes retires.


Team 23

B: C.Yarran, A.Rance, B.Waters
HB: J.Grimes, M.Jamison, M.Suckling
C: L.Anthony, B.Sewell, T.Cotchin(VC)
HF: R.Griffen, N.Riewoldt,  N.Fyfe
F: P.Dangerfield, P.Ryder, M.Stokes
Foll: M.Kreuzer, C.Judd(C), M.Barlow

Int D.Heppell, J.Darling, T.Mckenzie,  Leroy Jetta SUB

Ext Bench B.McEvoy,L.Hansen, D.Jackson, D.Connors

* Average age of 23 has this team contending for the whole 10 years allotted
* Dynamic spreading defenders with the ability to run and carry hit targets etc
* Contested ball is the focus of the midfield, Judd, Sewell, Cotchin and co r all hard at it in and under
* Versatile Ruckmen, Kruezer 21, Ryder 23 super promising combination that can also get after it around the ground 
* Electric crumbing forwards that can push into the midfield, 2 big key targets in Roo and the resting ruckmen Kruezer or Ryder
* Depth and youth on the bench and sizzling pace with Leroy Jetta as the sub
* Extended bench supplies depth and flexibility for matchups in all positions example going tall: McEvoy>Ruck, Ryder>CHB, Kruezer>FF
* Chris Judd captain is exemplary on and off the field, is a great foundation for strong culture, much like Trent Cotchin his successor


Hey everyone, c4 here. Thanks for your patience.

Finally finished Andrew's team. It wasn't easy seeing how many ageing players he chose. But with out futher ado, I present to you...


Leon Davis

Daniel Merrett

Paul Duffield


Robert Murphy                 

Sam Fisher

Paul Puopolo


Adam Goodes

Kane Cornes

Daniel Cross


Ryan O'Keefe

James Podsiadly                 

Brent Harvey


Alan Didak

Jonathan Brown

Kepler Bradley


Darren Jolly

Gary Ablett Jnr.

Adam Cooney


Cameron Pedersen       

Daniel Pearce       

Michael Hibberd       

Ben Howlett (SUB)


David Myers                 

Kyle Cheney       

Leigh Adams             

David Ellard

Kieran Harper

Kyle Reimers

Ricky Petterd

Matthew Lobbe


Out of the three main areas, back-line, midfield and forward-line, I'd have to say that my back-line is my weakest. Sam Fisher and Daniel Merrett are my only key defenders, but Duffield, Murphy, Davis and Puopolo provide a great amount of support with rebounding defence. I'm hoping Daniel Merrett can step up this year after finishing third in most goals conceded by an AFL player for the 2010 season.  Luckily, Pedersen and Hibberd are on the bench to provide additional help to the backline.

With a power midfield combination of Goodes, K. Cornes, Cross, Cooney and of course Ablett, this midfield is where the magic will happen. Ablett and Cooney are dynamite at the stoppages in terms of clearances; sitting at #1 and #5 respectively for highest clearance average per game. Goodes and Cross provide great running support on the wings and Kane Cornes simply adds another dimension to the midfield. With Harper, Ellard, Adams, Howlett, Pearce, Hibberd around too, there's a wealth of midfield talent in this team. 

With big man Jonathon Brown and the jPod at the helm of our forward line, you just know you're kicking goals.  With the pace from the midfield coupled with Ryan O'Keefe and Brent Harvey, the amount of inside 50s will be amazing to see. Can your team's keep up?  Didak is the only 'small' forward in the team and will have his work cut out for him around the stoppages inside 50. Bradley will provide valuable rucking assistance whilst being an extra pair of hands up forward. Pedersen and Howlett are on the bench to provide help up forward.

Darren Jolly takes the #1 rucking duties for the Tasmania Stallions. With a hitout winning percentage of 39% and a hitout-to-advantage rate of 23% last year, it's easy to see why he's one of best ruckman in the league. On field, Kepler Bradley and Cameron Pedersen provide Jolly with some ruck relief if required. Matthew Lobbe, a developing ruckman, is showing enormous potential (was #1 ruckman for Port whilst Brogan was out) and will become a fantastic replacement when Jolly retires.

There is a great amount of flexibility on the bench; something you need in the modern game. Cameron Pedersen can incredibly play at full-back, up forward or pinch hit in the ruck. Daniel Pearce provides support for the midfield along with Michael Hibberd and Ben Howlett. Michael Hibberd can also provide assistance in the backline; like Ben Howlett up forward.

With a very old list, a great amount of youth was needed for the Stallions. Luckily, all of the players waiting in the wings also have a decent amount of AFL experience under their belt as well. I picked these players with upcoming retirements in mind.

Adam Goodes, Brent Harvey and Ryan O'Keefe will be 'replaced' (ugly word) by Kyle Reimers, Ben Howlett and Leigh Adams.
James Podsiadly and Jonathan Brown -> Cameron Pedersen
Darren Jolly -> Matthew Lobbe (as mentioned before)
Leon Davis -> Michael Hibberd
Robert Murphy -> Kyle Cheney
Alan Didak -> Kieran Harper and Ricky Petterd
Kane Cornes -> David Ellard and Leigh Adams
Sam Fisher -> David Myers

With an overall average team (of 22) age of over 27, this team is no doubt experienced. With the wealth of talent in this team, there is no doubt a premiership is just around the corner for the Stallions. While there maybe some retirements in the not-so-distant future, the players waiting in the wings will provide an excellent replacement to keep the dynasty going.

The other great positive about this team is the amount of flexibility available. Changes to the placements on field can be made on the fly with little or no downfall. It'll defintely keep the opposition coaches guessing. 

For the record, Ablett is the Stallion's captain with Brown, Goodes, Harvey and Cornes all forming a leadership group.


Phew. I'll be honest, apart the statistics, I kinda winged that.

After everyone had finished taking their picks, it was still interesting to see the players that were unfortunately left behind. If I had of been able to bin some of those picks I would have chosen: Jason Winderlich, Scott McMahon, Bret Thornton, Mark Seaby, Sam Iles to join the team along with some more youth.

Though, if I feel sorry for anyone, it's for Brock McLean. He simply couldn't fit into any team. Again. 

Thanks guys for letting me finish Andrew's team. Oh and by the way, that logo....yep, I designed that. Good huh!   


Thats a lot of copy and paste!  :P
I just need ML's team, then I can unlock the poll.


Hey, what happened to my beautiful presentation? and my logo?  ;)


w0w there is a lot of work put into this :o

look forward to re reading everyones efforts after work ;)


Quote from: c4v3m4n on July 05, 2011, 11:54:02 AM
Hey, what happened to my beautiful presentation? and my logo?  ;)
I copy and pasted and It didnt show up  :(


Quote from: Maca24 on July 05, 2011, 12:06:48 PM
Quote from: c4v3m4n on July 05, 2011, 11:54:02 AM
Hey, what happened to my beautiful presentation? and my logo?  ;)
I copy and pasted and It didnt show up  :(
best way to do it is quote it and then copy and paste out of that, just remove the qouted author brackets, then all the info like my bolded bits r in there too ;)


Justin Bieber

Came down to 2 teams as I didn't want to vote for myself.



That's a lot to read through. Might have a proper read later...


Voted for 6 :)

ps. thanks for whoever voted for mine.


i too voted for 6 i like the mix...

great write ups by everyone tho 8)

im gonna start throwing out a link to the end of some posts to try and promote the thread and get more ppl voting...

eg vote for ur favorite dynasty team here,40626.0/viewResults.html

Justin Bieber


Maybe I should have renamed the team, the Old-Farts.