Goodes not so good?

Started by k bartel, July 02, 2011, 08:05:42 PM

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k bartel

So what are peoples thoughts on Goodes tonight. I predict he wont even get 50 with the wet weather in Adelaide.


Um any reason why u r trashing Goodes?


dont know how he'll go but I hope well because i have him. opponent has ROK so hope he has a shocker

k bartel

Because I have noticed that he doesn't play so well in the wet. That is why I am asking for people opinions and because I can.


Quote from: k bartel on July 02, 2011, 08:12:05 PM
Because I have noticed that he doesn't play so well in the wet. That is why I am asking for people opinions and because I can.

You're on the ball mate, and if Goodes isn't on the ball tonight he will struggle to get past 50 DT points.




^ certainly wasn't an excellent goodes score, but was still a pretty decent one.

I'd take it.

Wes Mantooth

I was at the game... Goodes played out of full forward for half of it. Played in the midfield but looked lazy and sat off the packs alot. Having said that he had 81 and he dropped two sitters which would have been 10points minimum and he rushed a goal... so thats potentially 96 point for a player in the wet, playing half out of full fwd and didnt have a good game.

bad call.


i know goodes is a good player but in the wet and the bloke is 190 something Cms you would be happy with that score


Quote from: Ziplock on July 02, 2011, 11:43:41 PM
^ certainly wasn't an excellent goodes score, but was still a pretty decent one.

I'd take it.
If i had him i'd take his 81 in the rain...


simple point goodes cant play in the wet and i really dont think he can play when its dry anymore eather, like previous posts he sits off packs alot doesnt look interested anymore has a couple bursts a game but apart from that doesnt do anything at all


His record from memory isn't good against Adelaide, so 81 in rain is gold.


Considering the weather, and the fact that only three people scored 100+ I'd say Goodes' score was pretty decent.


l just wish he'd more time in the midfield........very frustrating!!!


Goodes is GOOD.

91 av for a forward, great to watch, doesn't get injured Please everyone stop your whinging and appreciate the skills this tall man has around the ball.