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How good was tonight's chat?

Started by GoldDigger, July 01, 2011, 11:34:45 PM

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Brilliant good! m0nty & mods, you have excelled!


agreed pros
great job valk,cf and c4 :)
although a few on there tried to push some buttons and bend the rules.

Justin Bieber

It was very good. Some trouble-makers tried to start things up but were well held 8).

Second half kinda I wandered off though and joined the other chat for the last quarter.


I also saw a lot of support from the community - that also helps the mods, and let's the muppets know we've all had enough, and have a proper system in place to deal with them.


Thanks guys for the support.
I think chat was improved due to people knowing that there are actually mods and not just m0nty patrolling the chat so they had to watch what they wrote ;)


yep pros i`ve never seen so many forum regulars on the chat at once before.

roo boys!

Was very good! Great job to all.


Yeah it was nice to have a few of the crew in there tonight.

Proves the goodwill which this place really has. Pros also makes you realise what a good job you did, I think justifies your decision as well. 


The support and thanks are much appreciated. :)

Having regular FF members behind us tonight was indeed very handy. It was a shame to see some of you attacked by some trolls, but they were dealt with ;)

Hopefully we can deliver a similar level of awesomeness for a while to come....

Master Q

Thought it was good. Followed it all night, don't usually just wanted to see the MODS in action. Was very good however that was with all 3 MODS on + Pros, what will happen when the whole team is on?


Good modding clearly had a good effect so congrats to the chat mods. Am on holiday in Istanbul and was taking a boat riding during that match so I wasn't there live but skimming the chat log it seemed great.

What had a really good effect was the example set by the regulars. The idiots were banned, but the quality of conversation seemed higher and I think that was because they were following suit. Keep it up guys :)

The return

was only there for last qrt and i loved it well done. no special colour for chat mods tho whats up with that? ;)


Quote from: The return on July 01, 2011, 11:59:37 PM
was only there for last qrt and i loved it well done. no special colour for chat mods tho whats up with that? ;)

I believe that will come shortly for the Chat Mods.

The return

im sure all moderators will get in hawk dont worry :P


Quite happy without it actually.

Would much rather just enjoy the convo if I am not modding.