Ask Ziplock

Started by Ziplock, June 30, 2011, 07:42:36 PM

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8 trades left, 200K, 2 backs needed.

Current backs are:Lids, Gibbs, Adcock, Enright, Goddard, Heppell/Hibberd, Buckley, Otten, Puopolo, Duigan.

Thinking about getting in Grant Birchall for Pup and Stefan Martin for Buckley/Duigan and then Callinan down the line for Didak

Thoughts?? any one else worth a look??


I personally wouldn't touch martin- isn't jamar due back soonish? When that happens his rucking responsibilities will become naught, and seriously depreciate his scoring. Can you go anyone else?

Master Q

Don't have a question but just wanted to say great work Zip. I think if m0nty ever needs new MODS you and me could make a great combo  ;)


hey Zip..

which option ??

Option 1

Sandi > Lobbe gives cash for Krak > Swan and final trade to lock team.,. $100k left for LTI upgrades for rest of year.
current rucks Cox, Sandi, Smith, Tippet / Petrie

Option 2

Richardson/Yarran/Mzungu or I Smith > Callinan  gives cash for Krak > Swan and final trade to lock team.  Very little cash left, but does give me Sandi still in team for finals after he comes back....


honestly, I say do the sandilands trade. Mzungu, smith, richardson, yarran all give pretty solid cover, which is worth it's weight in gold.

Smith, cox, lobbe and the jippett switch should be able to hold your rucks fine for the rest of the season, and that 100k for LTIs sounds damn good. Similar to what I myself am considering.


Quote from: Ziplock on June 30, 2011, 09:11:22 PM
I personally wouldn't touch martin- isn't jamar due back soonish? When that happens his rucking responsibilities will become naught, and seriously depreciate his scoring. Can you go anyone else?

Everyone has been saying that but Jamar had 27 HOs last week and yet Martin still got 106 points with 17 HOs.

Will Jamar start getting more HOs, maybe but that leaves Martin play up front or CHB


Tks Zip...

been trying to talk myself into Callinan because i have been waiting for him all year,...but now just can't find a spot !!

bugger Sandi going down, and Richardson not getting games early !!

now i just have to put big fat gloves on each Thursd/Frid so i don't trade any more after this week !!  ;)


Hey Zip

Team (At its best)

B- Gibbs, Scotland, Deledio, Shaw, Goddard, Duffield, Adcock
(Lower, Hibberd, Pederson)

C- Boyd, Judd, Ablett, Swan, Dal Santo, Rischitelli
(Heppell, Jacobs, Evans)

Cox, Kruezer
(Moran, J.Tippett)

Sylvia, Goodes, Franklin, Petrie, N.Riewoldt, Yarran, Krakouer
(Richardson, Karnezis, Mzungu)

9 trades left

Trade advice I'm not that much of a DTer

I could go: Heppell and Krakouer ----------> Pavlich and Chappy

Which gives me

B- Gibbs, Scotland, Deledio, Shaw, Goddard, Duffield, Adcock
(Lower, Hibberd, Pederson)

C- Boyd, Judd, Ablett, Swan, Dal Santo, Rischitelli
(Mzungu, Jacobs, Evans)

Cox, Kruezer
(Moran, J.Tippett)

Sylvia, Goodes, Franklin, Petrie, N.Riewoldt, Pavlich, Chapman
(Richardson, Karnezis, Yarran)

Are they good trades? any other ones?


Quote from: bundyboy on June 30, 2011, 09:31:57 PM
Tks Zip...

been trying to talk myself into Callinan because i have been waiting for him all year,...but now just can't find a spot !!

bugger Sandi going down, and Richardson not getting games early !!

now i just have to put big fat gloves on each Thursd/Frid so i don't trade any more after this week !!  ;)

lol! I know the feeling for the fat gloves.


Quote from: tabs on June 30, 2011, 09:26:58 PM
Quote from: Ziplock on June 30, 2011, 09:11:22 PM
I personally wouldn't touch martin- isn't jamar due back soonish? When that happens his rucking responsibilities will become naught, and seriously depreciate his scoring. Can you go anyone else?

Everyone has been saying that but Jamar had 27 HOs last week and yet Martin still got 106 points with 17 HOs.

Will Jamar start getting more HOs, maybe but that leaves Martin play up front or CHB

Could be worth a punt in that case. You sure you want to give it a shot though? I mean, if there's absolutely nobody else at this price range, sure, but there should be better options.


Quote from: MTTY on June 30, 2011, 09:41:02 PM
Hey Zip

Team (At its best)

B- Gibbs, Scotland, Deledio, Shaw, Goddard, Duffield, Adcock
(Lower, Hibberd, Pederson)

C- Boyd, Judd, Ablett, Swan, Dal Santo, Rischitelli
(Heppell, Jacobs, Evans)

Cox, Kruezer
(Moran, J.Tippett)

Sylvia, Goodes, Franklin, Petrie, N.Riewoldt, Yarran, Krakouer
(Richardson, Karnezis, Mzungu)

9 trades left

Trade advice I'm not that much of a DTer

I could go: Heppell and Krakouer ----------> Pavlich and Chappy

Which gives me

B- Gibbs, Scotland, Deledio, Shaw, Goddard, Duffield, Adcock
(Lower, Hibberd, Pederson)

C- Boyd, Judd, Ablett, Swan, Dal Santo, Rischitelli
(Mzungu, Jacobs, Evans)

Cox, Kruezer
(Moran, J.Tippett)

Sylvia, Goodes, Franklin, Petrie, N.Riewoldt, Pavlich, Chapman
(Richardson, Karnezis, Yarran)

Are they good trades? any other ones?

Both looking like good trades to me. Trading in two premiums is always delicious.


on fire Zip good work.

Who to upgrade for pendlebury - harris or Krak???

Have plenty of cover with Jacobs, Prestia, Mzungu and other MPP players.  Krak will give me more cash but harris not playing


Are you having fun answering these questions? Even the ones that are pointless and waste alot of space? Like this one?


Quote from: Ziplock on June 30, 2011, 09:44:04 PM
Quote from: MTTY on June 30, 2011, 09:41:02 PM
Hey Zip

Team (At its best)

B- Gibbs, Scotland, Deledio, Shaw, Goddard, Duffield, Adcock
(Lower, Hibberd, Pederson)

C- Boyd, Judd, Ablett, Swan, Dal Santo, Rischitelli
(Heppell, Jacobs, Evans)

Cox, Kruezer
(Moran, J.Tippett)

Sylvia, Goodes, Franklin, Petrie, N.Riewoldt, Yarran, Krakouer
(Richardson, Karnezis, Mzungu)

9 trades left

Trade advice I'm not that much of a DTer

I could go: Heppell and Krakouer ----------> Pavlich and Chappy

Which gives me

B- Gibbs, Scotland, Deledio, Shaw, Goddard, Duffield, Adcock
(Lower, Hibberd, Pederson)

C- Boyd, Judd, Ablett, Swan, Dal Santo, Rischitelli
(Mzungu, Jacobs, Evans)

Cox, Kruezer
(Moran, J.Tippett)

Sylvia, Goodes, Franklin, Petrie, N.Riewoldt, Pavlich, Chapman
(Richardson, Karnezis, Yarran)

Are they good trades? any other ones?

Both looking like good trades to me. Trading in two premiums is always delicious.
Cheers Zip


Zip seems to have left us folks. Must be answering my previous question in depth.