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The EOS Thread

Started by Maca24, June 30, 2011, 06:16:10 PM

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It'll be steady at 6.5K fletch... it's only inadequate atm...

I'm planning on holding it steady this week and then once I have gate takings + sponsorship coming in I'll have it at improving++

This = last chance I'll have improving my side this week then it's all about promoting... I'm up against a side that rated 125K last year in my SOD league... I only rated 117K yesterday in a friendly, so I'm looking at 1-2 more old farts with acc/exp summaries to play for me until they plop too much to get me some early points in my SOD league.

Cookie Monster

well after my all-rounder purchase i needed to sell off a bowler

go for him.

upgrading my stadium with 5000 more seats :) bigger gate takings now :D


Nails if you only have that much money then STOP buying!  :P
You will be in the shower by middle season with no way to get out of debt.

Justin Bieber

If anybody has got the cash, Go after this WRISTY:
Darren O'Connell - Worth the cash with his skills (and talent) and Experience :o. Should go for like 600k to 1 Mil ;).


Quote from: Maca24 on July 08, 2011, 04:18:45 PM
Nails if you only have that much money then STOP buying!  :P
You will be in the shower by middle season with no way to get out of debt.
Good point. Then maybe my team will catch up to his.

Master Q

I've never seen any one with a skill up to elite (not counting Experience etc...), until I saw this guy:


Quote from: Hellopplz on July 08, 2011, 04:22:02 PM
If anybody has got the cash, Go after this WRISTY:
Darren O'Connell - Worth the cash with his skills (and talent) and Experience :o. Should go for like 600k to 1 Mil ;).

I have been keeping an eye on this guy as well.  Incredible skills


Yea it happened to me this season. I struggled so much for cash.
Academies copped it cas some weeks I couldnt invest.
Only just made it thanks 2 youth pulls. (few 20k YP here and there)





We earn gate takings from Pav Cup yeh? Might sway me to have a shot.  8)


Quote from: Maca24 on July 08, 2011, 05:18:13 PM
We earn gate takings from Pav Cup yeh? Might sway me to have a shot.  8)
Yeah, but its split 50/50.
Im gearing up for a pc run.