Montagna Captain?

Started by dale93, June 30, 2011, 11:17:27 AM

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Just chucking this out there is anyone else thinking of Montagna as captain this weekend?He is playing the Kangas in Melbourne where he loves it and coming of the bye he could have a field day and surely he will be thinking he needs to lift?I just thought i would put that out there :)

Red Dirtie

i thought he died! Only saying that because i havent seen him in for age's!

I would say NO!

But anything could happen.




Very gutsy move. I'd just be happy if Montagna pumps out a 100+ this week. I'm gonna give the C to someone I've got more confidence in!


Gutsy is an understatement! If he comes good this would be a stroke of genius.
I haven't even considered it, coming back from an injury he could score anywhere from 60 - 130. Too risky a range.


agreed alka, he's not actually in great form. altho' with the week off the sainters may come back  firing.


not in a million years, could still be hampered by injury concerns. We all know he doesnt have the biggest ticker. way too risky.