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Korza is unemployed and needs help.

Started by korza, June 29, 2011, 06:31:57 PM

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Hi to all,

If anyone is looking at hiring someone for employment, i am now currently on job search.I reside in Melbourne, and would welcome any type of employment, casual, part time, full time, cash, a friend in need. Please read this thread as being genuine.



No connections in Melbourne korza sorry :(  best of luck, I'm sure won't be too long!


Yeah sorry Korz.
I'm from WA so i'm not much help....


^ I'm in sydney... and unemployed as well...


roo boys!

Sorry Korza, I'm too young :( Hope it works out for you though, you have a great personality and this is a selling trait when people are looking for employees

Justin Bieber

Good luck in your search Korza. I'm haven't had a job for more than 5 days (work experience 2 years ago) so can't help out unfortunately.

The return

im already working and im 16  :o, goodluck KORZA and im sure you will fine a job no doubt


Quote from: The return on June 29, 2011, 09:43:25 PM
im already working and im 16  :o, goodluck KORZA and im sure you will fine a job no doubt
So am I on both counts (working and 16, and i have been working for approx 2 years) but i don't see how this will help our man Korza?? ;)

The return

i was just shocked thats all, anyways

The return

do you have certificates on anything?


where in Melb Korza ?  and yeh - drivers licence or any other experience ?? 

shoot me an email never know....  I'll ask around...


Korza, I'm also curious as to your background. If you dont want to go public with it PM me but otheriwse maybe provide a few details about your work history.

I'm sure I speak on behalf of everyone in wishing you the best, and some of us older FFers might know someone that knows someone - we can spread the word.


Quote from: The return on June 29, 2011, 09:46:35 PM
i was just shocked thats all, anyways
Yeah sorry, just re read what I posted. Sounds a little snappy. Sorry :)


Master Q

Need to know your Backgroud, Qualifications and Experience if I can help you out. PM if you like...