The Jets - r15 Advice - Please...

Started by Luigi197, June 28, 2011, 10:10:11 PM

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Right ok. I guess there's enough depth in mine and your team to manage still a good score :)


your team is solid mate, and you have trades in the bank.

the reason why you were leaking points, is because you didn't have a 6th midfielder.  you grabbed your number 6 a bit late, but you should be able to make up ground now.


Kool. Thanks CS :)

Wow i guess i should've listened to my friend and finish my midfield!! ;D


this was what the whole discussion was about awhile ago.

Trading sandilands would have allowed you to facilitate all your upgrades and give you huge ground over others that didn't.

I remember I got one of my friends to do it in the first week, and he jumped up like huge rankings, because his team was completed midfield/forwards/backs very early.

Saying that, your team is quite good, and I can see you finishing strongly, with the amount of trades you have left.


Kool, looking forward to finals now :)

Mzungu and Harris over I Smith and Hibberd?

Jacobs over Batcholor and Thompson?


Quote from: Luigi197 on June 29, 2011, 09:54:52 PM
Kool, looking forward to finals now :)

Mzungu and Harris over I Smith and Hibberd?

Jacobs over Batcholor and Thompson?

I thought you were upgrading Harris to Swan this week?  I would definitely start Mzungu against Gold Coast.

Jacobs against the Brisbane Lions. 


oh yeah my bad. but yeah starting mzungu and jacobs then. kool :)