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Welll done FF members!

Started by ossie85, June 27, 2011, 04:56:13 PM

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You forgot my failed attempt of running the AEPL in the Soccer forum as well :P

But hey, that's soccer the world game :)


Yeah, all the cricket and soccer stuff I'm very ignorant of!


There has been some strange stuff going on of late but this just highlights the many positive items that also occur.

Long may it continue.


Quote from: Fletch74 on June 28, 2011, 09:47:40 AM
You forgot my failed attempt of running the AEPL in the Soccer forum as well :P

But hey, that's soccer the world game :)
The second season will be better fletch, cos you will get to participate this time :)

Justin Bieber

Quote from: CrowsFan on June 28, 2011, 01:22:33 PM
Quote from: Fletch74 on June 28, 2011, 09:47:40 AM
You forgot my failed attempt of running the AEPL in the Soccer forum as well :P

But hey, that's soccer the world game :)
The second season will be better fletch, cos you will get to participate this time :)
It wasn't a failed attempt on your behalf Fletch, You did an AWESOME job!


Anything else we should look at starting up?


Not starting up but I think we should take it upon ourselves to improve live chat irrelevant of what Monty does.

We are complaining about the quality of the chat and the lack of banning. However what exisits is a cultural issue which will not be fixed by the stick.

We have to start using it as we want it to be used instead of ignoring it. We have to use it in a way which seeks to include others to use it in a positive way. We should actively organise topics/themes for the chat, and have pre-organised groups use it for every game that we can get available groups.

It might be painful for a while, but we all agree that we (the forum users) like, in general, the conversations and tone of the forum and want that to extend to the chat. That isn't going to magically happen with a few bans of trolls.


You know what, for one weekend or something, we should get like tons of us regulars to go on the live chat, if you want to, and just patrol it really. If someone says something bad, we say please stop and mention the m0nty will ban you if you dont stop. If they say something back, YOU DONT RESPOND.

Lol just an idea, i thought of it as a fun raid!! :)


Master Q

Quote from: hawk_88 on June 28, 2011, 06:52:49 PM
Not starting up but I think we should take it upon ourselves to improve live chat irrelevant of what Monty does.

We are complaining about the quality of the chat and the lack of banning. However what exisits is a cultural issue which will not be fixed by the stick.

We have to start using it as we want it to be used instead of ignoring it. We have to use it in a way which seeks to include others to use it in a positive way. We should actively organise topics/themes for the chat, and have pre-organised groups use it for every game that we can get available groups.

It might be painful for a while, but we all agree that we (the forum users) like, in general, the conversations and tone of the forum and want that to extend to the chat. That isn't going to magically happen with a few bans of trolls.
I'm Banned. Can't Help,Sorry.


That chat idea sounds great.
And glad to see I'm appreciated :) I really do like to procrastinate my time away and I really enjoy this site so why not give a little back?!

(This site has been my most viewed site on Chrome all season long. Even above Facebook which I enjoy whoring away on.)