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Name and Shame the Trolls

Started by GoldDigger, June 26, 2011, 02:56:25 PM

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Geez, we're up to Crowbot3.0!

Daniel1986 is still around - why?

johno - where'd he go?

nutter: Enright i would like to suck your knob.

nortons: these umpires are a fcking disgrace!!

Crowbot3.0: has anyone else had a -1 dt by half time? hun you flowering sunt

Crowbot3.0: traded hurn in last week, going waste a trade to get rid of the useless sunt

redant355: D.Barwick you are a flowering cock sucking mother flowerer you have no idea

redant355: shuester whu dont you cry you flowering poof

redant355: this site is full of flowerwhits

crafer: you fuc kn beauty suck shower blues

redant355: oh good the game is over now all of you loosers can play world of war craft

tnuc: i needa route

kingcarey2: bullsh!t pokerface

Harvey29: Muppet to everyone calling Swallow S.H.I.T

roospur: think about it bartel you flog

Loooose: do port or freo really have actual supporters? poor dum kunts...

Daniel1986: Where is the Prospector today?

Blue_Cap: suck a fat dick today carlton fans you are pretenders!!!

Blue_Cap: goldstein is a jewd bolton

Blue_Cap: goldstein is a rabbi

Blue_Cap: lindsay thomas is a cooney is a pretty good player

Stinkfist: phark! new recruit rawlings costing me eliminator

Blue_Cap: kakarot suck a fat dick your team lost today - pretenders!

Blue_Cap: kakarot your a knob -

spudmania: well said HowDoYouDo... dw bout essenscum they're just fvckin clueless

lessg123: fckin lift petrie

Blue_Cap: I bet goldstein is a tightalps

sh!tburger: please sub off richardson about NOW!!!!

J.Bartel: in 3 words.flower f u c k all. port are shower

These rules are in place to ensure a friendly, football-focused chat environment.

roo boys!

Didn't copy them but so many people were bagging Swallow because he struggled in the first quarter, then he scored 30 points in 5 minutes and they all disappeared. Happens every game, every week. Some only on 5 DT points 10 minutes in and all of a sudden their career is over, they "are the most overrated hack in the AFL",


agree RB, i try to only go as far as calling people spuds :P

Blue_Cap: suck a fat dick today carlton fans you are pretenders!!!

here's one i found, i almost classed it as passable as it was about carlton, but it just crossed the line :P


Blue_Cap: goldstein is a jewd bolton

Blue_Cap: goldstein is a rabbi

Blue_Cap: I bet goldstein is a tightalps

Um... Highly racist comments I am sure aren't tolerated on here Monty...


You'd have thought any one of them was enough for at least a warning, wouldn't you?

"Abuse and bogus info will get you banned"

"These rules are in place to ensure a friendly, football-focused chat environment."


I really like the idea of this thread. I think it's good that the regulars report those that are bringing the quality of this site down!


perfect example of why i go chill in match stats...

i agree something should be done about it, but what?

ban>new email>new name> repeat the process, only the names will change :-\


Quote from: Marcz on June 27, 2011, 11:31:30 AM
perfect example of why i go chill in match stats...

i agree something should be done about it, but what?

ban>new email>new name> repeat the process, only the names will change :-\

Is there anyway (m0nty this directed at you) that instead of banning an account, that you can ban the IP?


surely an IP ban can be put in place? Like a 3 week ban or something for trolling?

Justin Bieber

Pretty sure m0nty is able to IP ban users but don't think he does it often.



another example of an idiot troll.


Further evidence that we desperately need a mod!


Quote from: LaHug on June 27, 2011, 03:25:30 PM
Further evidence that we desperately need a mod!

Couldn't agree more. Things will soon get out of hand without one.


I don't even use chat. I feel that no-one cares what I say (as they should  :P) and that I don't much care what other people say in it either.

But yeah if you use it and this type of shizen goes on, you'd feel a bit peeved.


I would mod but two things would stop me

1. I'm banned from the chat :P

2. The week after I start FF chat would have about 10 members :P