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Pros de-activated

Started by AFEV, June 25, 2011, 11:44:44 PM

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Quote from: BOOMZ on June 26, 2011, 10:46:31 PM
Quote from: GoldDigger on June 26, 2011, 09:58:10 PM
Quote from: ImSoHood on June 26, 2011, 06:50:50 PM
as a frequent visitor yet mostly non-contributor to FF since 2006 ( i sometimes go on chat ) i'm a little mystified by all of this... is anyone really surprised by the banning? - m0nty has hinted in recent times that pros aka gold digger needed to pull his head in. a mod doesn't make "push the envelope" comments rather acts as a supervisor. if prospector didn't like that then he should never have accepted the gig. i agree with m0nty's decision. i give credit for the posts, support pros gave but can see where m0nty is coming from ... seriously ... what "mod" makes immoral jokes and unethical metaphors. that's the job of those he's meant to be keeping an eye on!

You're one of the flowerheads!


i was waiting for someone to say that.
can`t believe that he wrote that and he is one of the main offenders.


Pretty much turning into the forum regulars against the chat trolls... m0nty taking their side purely because they bring in the $$ by the looks of it.... pretty sad to c.



It saddens me to see pros in this situation. There are so many kids out on the chat just trying to start an argument for the fun of it, I just switch to the match blogs instead. I understand that Monty cannot block them all and I appreciate the effort that he puts in but there should be more love for pros. He has been around for ages and done so many great things for the forum - of course 'no one is above the law' - but it seems just pointless to ban him. The good outweighs the bad or something like that haha
Nah haha well I hope you stay around pros, but whatever you choose to do, best of luck!


Thanks, Spite, all the best to you too!


QuoteMcRooster - Get a grip man. This is the Internet, a free space where people can share their opinions whatever they may be. This website forms a part of that web, a mostly unrestricted zone where ideas, discussion and communities flourish.

I’m getting sick to death of people whinging about some of the content found online. Those people are just like the people who complain about TV shows they don’t even watch for being inappropriate and without even truly understanding the content or purpose (aka The Chaser’s War). If you don’t like the content, change the channel. Same goes for the internet. If you think your kid is going to see some inappropriate content, don’t go on the website (filter it, ban it, whatever).
Here are some cold hard facts.

Who is the target audience of the website?
Males aged between 12 â€" 50 but more specifically, males aged between 15 and 30.

What do males aged between 15 and 30 do quite often?
Swear, cuss, talk shower, stir the pot, go fishing, and engage in filthy dirty potty talk.

What is the perfect medium for aforementioned dialogue?
Chat programs, blogs, forums, social networking.

You only have to go on Facebook to see the filth that kids these days talk about, and it’s not just boys that are doing it. Girls are too!
Now I don’t know your situation McRooster (the age of your son etc.) but you have to realise that you’re in the minority here.
Furthermore, I see you your name come up on chat almost every weekend. That suggests to me that you enjoy the banter that goes on. You can’t try and tell me that the standard has ever been anything other than filth; it always has been and always will be. So my question to you is this. Why do you continue to use the Chat when you know how degenerate it can be? Furthermore, why would you use it when there is a viable alternative? There is a chat applet used by some FF members and is mostly troll free.

My suggestion to M0nty would be to create a chat free scoreboard for people like McRooster. Me, I just ignore the banter for the most part. I’ve exhausted all my email accounts exploiting the ridiculous ‘swear filter’ anyway.


On a side note, its flowering shame M0nty didn’t back up his moderator. Especially considering the work he puts in on the site which I presume he does for free? I hope you’re feeling guilty right now M0nty and preparing a ‘sorry email’ to patch things up. Because Pros does a great job, and if he still WERE a mod, that filth I posted in DT Players and Trades never would have seen the light of day. Hell I would have deleted it myself if I could.

Taken from the Coaches lounge for Pros' benefit.

As for the $$$ issue. I understand M0nty is running a business but would it kill him to upgrade the server bandwidth!!! lol


I have only just caught up on all these threads, as I am very busy on weekends as you might imagine. Suffice it to say, I am going to sleep on this myself, and deal with it tomorrow.


Quote from: McRooster on June 27, 2011, 09:05:05 AM
Bluke, easy is the path to wisdom for those not blinded by themselves.

Simply, if you did take a look around the other boards and listened to what others are saying you would see what I've said over the last two seasons . You would've seen the work I've done trying to maintain a level of decorum to try and protect this place for the future for all to enjoy, including you.

I'm not going to fight with you, I was simply trying to higlight the content of that post you made was horrendous and uneccessary. It could have been worded quite differently or not responded to at all. This is the only way I can try and protect the demeanour around here as I am not a moderator and posts like that highlight the real need for one.

Thankyou m0nty for having it deleted.

Taken from the Coaches lounge for everyone's benefit.


WoW this is the biggest boilover of the year. OMG just goes to show, the club is bigger than the individual. I hope Monty can show some leniency towards the Pros.



Quote from: korza on June 27, 2011, 04:39:19 PM
... I hope Monty can show some leniency towards the Pros...

Leniency? I'm just another shower-kicker. By de-activating, I resigned from being a mod. I think I'm allowed to resign without needing any leniency.


I've been thinking about this for a while now.

Pros has been an outstanding forum mod for a long time now, no question about that. He has been hard-working, personable, accessible and all the things I could have hoped for in a forum mod. He earned that Jack Worrall title, and he'll keep it because he was the template that all others can only follow. Thanks mate!

Nevertheless, the same skills don't translate to the live game chat. Specifically, his gregariousness and chattiness don't suit the chat, as what has been called "silent moderation" (by McRooster I think?) is far more effective there. This is why I had not considered him for one of the chat mod positions, because he had shown many times previously that he doesn't take fools gladly. This approach doesn't work on live chat. Engaging with trolls leads to polluting the chat with doging, which doesn't help anyone. Noting the trolls and quietly picking them off is the better strategy.

Having said that, it is obvious to all and sundry that I haven't been doing a perfect job at my end, either. The mistake Pros made was in thinking that it was his responsibility to take up the slack. That is my fault, really, but Pros has made his decision to step back and it's probably the right one for all concerned - except me, who has to spend time breaking in new mods, but that's my punishment!

I totally get what Pros has done, and I respect it. I too have burned myself out on other forums in my time, even as a mod. I have had to suddenly go cold turkey after maxing out on a board, I know exactly what that's like. I have no hard feelings towards anyone who has done that, including the half dozen others before Pros, including MissPies. It's sad that it has come to this, but it's part of regular forum life, and nothing to panic about.

As for Bluke's post about how McRooster is in the "minority" of people who oppose the "filth" of the "degenerate" chat that Bluke himself helps perpetuate, that was just silly. The fault lies entirely with me in not moderating hard enough. It was not a case of me not "supporting" Pros, as that implies that there is an anti-Pros faction and that I should have taken sides. Pros was in the wrong for feeding the trolls which is why I banned him, but it was caused by an understandable desperation with my lack of activity.

I will be appointing new chat mods and a forum mod or two this week. PMs will go out tonight to candidates. Hopefully we can all turn over a new leaf on this, myself included.  :-*


m0nty, thank-you for your kind words. I really appreciate your clear understanding of the situation, and support your interpretation of events.

I've said before that you owe me nothing, and stand by that. It has been a great experience modding here, so many thanks for what I have learned from the opportunity that you provided.

New FF mods will have my fullest support, both in chat and in the forums.

I will be banned from time to time, no doubt, just as I have been before, as a mod, and as a plain member. Maybe being seen as a powerless supporter of the site, who cops the same treatment as anyone else will enable me to contribute in different ways. We shall see.

I look forward to seeing the site continue to develop and improve.

Good luck, m0nty. Good luck, new mods. Good luck members!

Enjoy your fantasy footy!


Good to see happiness everyone :)

But just a question, would or could there possibly be two Mods on the same boards to ensure either double activity, or incase one cannot mod?


Thanks for all the work Prospector :)


... and thank-you for your's, ossie!