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Pros de-activated

Started by AFEV, June 25, 2011, 11:44:44 PM

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valkorum is a champ, and one of many ornaments to our / m0nty's site.

There are now no mods but m0nty. Let's see what happens.


Quote from: McRooster on June 26, 2011, 01:34:16 AM
Live chat has exponentially more acounts than the Forum. It is that number of accounts that m0nty uses as a selling tool to gain advertising, that and the number of times members click on an ad.

Chat/main site is our providers (m0nty's) bread and butter and he/we need it to continue our association in here.

This year has seen alot of the chat types come into the forum and the landscape has changed somewhat. Maybe what we can do to fight the trolls is to have more members involved in chat to educate the throng as to how we need them to behave in chat and in the forum.

I thought valkorum was excellent in his chat commentary in the bits I saw tonight  8)

*I deliberately sat out of chat tonight to get a clearer idea of how the tangents develop in chat. It didn't appear that m0nty has instilled any moderating powers to the nominees he requested  :-\

Well said as always, McRooster.

I must admit too, I have noticed a dramatic change in the live chat this year and unfortunately it's for the worse. I attempted to diffuse some situations tonight (most with success) and I agree, more mature and respected members need to get involved to help combat these trolls.



Quote from: McRooster on June 26, 2011, 01:34:16 AM
Live chat has exponentially more acounts than the Forum. It is that number of accounts that m0nty uses as a selling tool to gain advertising, that and the number of times members click on an ad.

Chat/main site is our providers (m0nty's) bread and butter and he/we need it to continue our association in here.

This year has seen alot of the chat types come into the forum and the landscape has changed somewhat. Maybe what we can do to fight the trolls is to have more members involved in chat to educate the throng as to how we need them to behave in chat and in the forum.

I thought valkorum was excellent in his chat commentary in the bits I saw tonight  8)

*I deliberately sat out of chat tonight to get a clearer idea of how the tangents develop in chat. It didn't appear that m0nty has instilled any moderating powers to the nominees he requested  :-\

Hit the nail on the head roost. You have to remember, FF is technically a buisness, doesn't matter how distasteful it sounds, losing a dozen forum members, even dedicated and giving ones such as pros, or MP etc. is worth the sacrifice in the eyes of the business.

Sucks, but it's how the world works.


Quote from: Ziplock on June 26, 2011, 02:04:52 AM...
You have to remember, FF is technically a buisness, doesn't matter how distasteful it sounds, losing a dozen forum members, even dedicated and giving ones such as pros, or MP etc. is worth the sacrifice in the eyes of the business.

Sucks, but it's how the world works.

There are many more "immoral" in the business world than m0nty.

Face it, he does care about the adverts - gambling, sex etc. is not his preferred $$$.

Not only that, he is prepared to discuss these aspects of his "business" with us, a portion of the audience cum stakeholders.

Just sometimes, managing a business well is too important to leave up to the managers (quote from ... John Halfpenny .. prolly others before him ...)

Williams and Robinson are 2 of them -- the idea goes back to the "wobblies" ... I'm a union man if you didn't know ...


I know that, I never said he was immoral- he just does what he has to do.


Part of the problem is that chat is less than instant so it discourages any form of tangible conversation.

Instead it becomes the perfect platform for taking one line pot shots and simply trolling others because there isn't much else that can be done on it.


Especially if it's a shower game, or one with no fantasy relevant players.


Quote from: McRooster on June 26, 2011, 01:34:16 AM
Live chat has exponentially more acounts than the Forum. It is that number of accounts that m0nty uses as a selling tool to gain advertising, that and the number of times members click on an ad.

Chat/main site is our providers (m0nty's) bread and butter and he/we need it to continue our association in here.

This year has seen alot of the chat types come into the forum and the landscape has changed somewhat. Maybe what we can do to fight the trolls is to have more members involved in chat to educate the throng as to how we need them to behave in chat and in the forum.

I thought valkorum was excellent in his chat commentary in the bits I saw tonight  8)

*I deliberately sat out of chat tonight to get a clearer idea of how the tangents develop in chat. It didn't appear that m0nty has instilled any moderating powers to the nominees he requested  :-\

McR is right that chat is the biggest part of the site, with the forums being undeniably smaller in traffic in a ratio of 10 to 1. This doesn't mean I ignore the forums at all.

One thing I definitely do NOT want is factions breaking out and battles being fought. Anyone who thinks like that and starts fights on that basis will be sat upon by me. As far as I'm concerned, there are two factions: me (and other future mods) and you. I try to keep out of your way as much as possible in a benevolent dictatorship role. Those who abuse that freedom will get the smack down they deserve.

Yes, I haven't implemented the chat stuff this weekend, my fault. Not intentional, I was just flat out doing other stuff... I have a new sales guy and he's got me working on things. I will do it for next week, as per the excellent recommendations from the DMs I have been sent. Thanks everyone for your patience.


That other old fart said it plenty too! Pros quoted you plenty on these figures, m0nty!

" is the biggest part of the site, with the forums being undeniably smaller in traffic in a ratio of 10 to 1."

Quantity, m0nty, not quality (Agreed, "except in business").

Say 5 of the arseholes are the same dickhead.  Already 2 to one, and the model starts to die.

Traffic is a lie if it's the same arseholes with new names.

You can tell easier than me. I am happy to be ten people if it means moving the flowerheads out!


I wake up in the morning and the world seems to have ended! Mayan apocalypse a year early. It's Howard/Costello, Rudd/Gillard all over again!

Thanks for all the mod work you've done Prospector, has been really, really appreciated. Would love to have you back again!

I agree, despite the huge traffic, there should be zero tolerance for the twits on chat. Is generally why I don't go on it.

roo boys!

Quote from: ossie85 on June 26, 2011, 10:34:12 AM

I agree, despite the huge traffic, there should be zero tolerance for the twits on chat. Is generally why I don't go on it.
Yep same here.


Regardless of the no. of individual accounts that one particular user has, it is that Total account number that is the best selling tool.

Without the appiontment of new mods, today's chat will be a troll-fest  :'(

Anyone in today's chat, don't take the bait - help is on the way.

Flair and character should be supported (Cruise, korza & Wes all stretch it at times but do keep it real) and have fun with some serious footy talk today gents, that's what were here for.

I'm off for the day, might catch the 2nd 1/2 of the twilight game.

Stay premium


Quote from: McRooster on June 26, 2011, 12:13:27 PM
Regardless of the no. of individual accounts that one particular user has, it is that Total account number that is the best selling tool.

Without the appiontment of new mods, today's chat will be a troll-fest  :'(

Anyone in today's chat, don't take the bait - help is on the way.

Flair and character should be supported (Cruise, korza & Wes all stretch it at times but do keep it real) and have fun with some serious footy talk today gents, that's what were here for.

I'm off for the day, might catch the 2nd 1/2 of the twilight game.

Stay premium

I'll be around to help with the chat rooms today whilst the is an absence of a mod.


I would imagine the traffic figures would not be number of accounts but rather quantity of page loads per section of the site.

It is number of page loads that leads to ad revenue online and for each page reload a new ad loads. You get money per ad clicked but you also get money per ad loaded.

This is why many sites break articles up onto many pages, even though this isn't required in the digital age. It is also why you often get album style "top 10" lists where each item in on one page.