Need some help to polish of a decent team looking to push into the finals

Started by skittles, June 23, 2011, 05:07:51 PM

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Hey Guys, team is currently as follows:

Shaw, Gibbs, Deledio, Goddard, Adcock, Suckling, Heppell (Duigan, Stanley, Paups)
Chapman, Pendles, Boyd, Thompson, Ablett, Selwood (Jacobs, Mzungu, Hibberd)
Cox, Sandi (Smith, Tippett)
Franklin, Goodes, N, Riewoldt, Petrie, Knights, J Riewoldt, Howe(Callinan, Richardson, Prestia)

I have 11 Trades Left, and 230k in the bank. My plan is to get Sylvia in this week, and Swan in the week after. Chapman and Sylvia would end up in my forwards once my team is set.

Just wondering your thoughts on who i should trade out this week for sylvia, and who for swan next week. I will also have to do one more downgrade to get swanny in, probably in backs, leaving me with 8 trades. Not too worried bout the next few weeks, just finals.

First time poster, would love any thoughts or comments


trade out knights for sylvia, or maybe even jack riewoldt.

Trading Hibberd for Swanny and downgrading someone like duigan/stanley would be the way to go. then dpp chapp into your fwd line, so you no longer have to field knight/ jvoldt/howe.