Slappy Hour

Started by Slap, June 23, 2011, 03:21:06 PM

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Ok guys, once upon a time I did one of those Ask whoever topics.  But it seems to be a common thread, so I'll introduce Slappy Hour - a happy hour of answers (opinions) that I can provide in response to your questions, thoughts and opinions. 

I'm in the midst of exam study, so help me procrastinate.  Help me, help you :P

Let's get cracking.


 hi slap
one question
your opinion on keeping or trading jimmy?


Hey Slappy, What do I get when I win the Eliminator?


Question 1: SC: CLoke vs Sylvia vs Lecras
Question 2: upgrade Pittard to Swan this week, or Upgrade Puopolo to Suckling/Shaw this week


Quote from: luvfooty on June 23, 2011, 03:36:51 PM
hi slap
one question
your opinion on keeping or trading jimmy?

Tough cookie you are in.  He is going for brain scans this week, so that is pretty worrying.  Should he be subject to an internal head injury and is out for the season, i don't think you have an option to other than to trade him. Same goes if he is noted to miss a few weeks through the injury - ala Joel Selwood's suspension.  I say this because of Geelong's bye in the finals.  It would be too long to hold someone of that caliber, only to trade him out during the finals - especially when you could swap him to a high scoring player.
I'd wait for news on Jimmy before I trade him out.

He is pretty rock bottom in price, so if he does play i'd probably stick with him for a few weeks, at least until he gains a little more cash - which will be hard considering he got a 2.  Another option is almost a straight swap with Montagna.  He has a good run home, no bye int he finals and hopefully should pick up.  He could be the steal of the 2nd half of the season.  Set to drop around the 290-300k mark, a guy that averaged 115 last season could be a good buy/swap for bartel.  Providing you have the trades to do so.


Quote from: tor01doc on June 23, 2011, 03:39:19 PM
Hey Slappy, What do I get when I win the Eliminator?

The overall winner of the 2011 Toyota AFL Dream Team Eliminator competition will receive the first prize of $2,000 CASH.


Would anyone with a good team keep Kennedy the Swan in their mids?


Quote from: cledus32 on June 23, 2011, 03:44:13 PM
Question 1: SC: CLoke vs Sylvia vs Lecras

Ok, firstly I don't play SC.  But I understand it, and I'll still try and conjure up an opinion.

Cloke has been a bit up and down so far this season.  His advantages are, his team, extremely low BE of 27, and no byes for the reamaining of the season.  He has been good when he pushes up the ground this season and kicked straight.. but can he continue?

Sylvia, is consistent and having a good year, I wouldn't hesitate bringing him in.  Will he get injured?  Also doesnt have a bye in the league matchups (if its the same as DT).

Lecras has been very good in the last six weeks, especially in SC.  He has an acheivable BE and is definetely a unique that could put you ahead of the Pack. 

So, for me, its Sylvia, lecras then cloke in that order.  Sylvia wins only because his bye is in a multi-bye round and Lecras is not.  You'd be without him in a league match up.

Quote from: cledus32 on June 23, 2011, 03:44:13 PM
Question 2: upgrade Pittard to Swan this week, or Upgrade Puopolo to Suckling/Shaw this week

IMO, Swan may go down in price next week.  So he isn't a must this week, unless you need the extra points that swan will give you over pittard.  And don't you have any other def's than Puopolo to upgrade.. Like Heppell.  Puopolo still has some growing to do, and is playing well.  If you cannot do them both, I'd do the Swan trade, purely because puopolo is giving respectable scores weekly and will continue to rise in price a couple more weeks.



Quote from: tor01doc on June 23, 2011, 03:51:06 PM
Would anyone with a good team keep Kennedy the Swan in their mids?

Its hard to define a 'good team'.  A good looking team on paper doesn't mean you'll be up in the rankings in DT.  Eg. Goddard/Monty/Riewoldt all looked good prior to the season and a 'good team' this season wouldn't have any of them.

As for Kennedy's recent form, it suggests he could hold down a spot in your mids.  Perhaps your 6th mid.  He doesn't have a bye in the finals and I'm sure you have more pressing issues like maturing rookies and underperforming stars to worry about.  After you deal with the cashing or rookies and upgrading of underperforming stars, I'd look at kennedy to be transformed into an elite player like boyd/Mitchell/ablett etc.

Simply put, if I had kennedy in my team, he wouldn't be my first worry given his form over the last 6 weeks.  Id be more concerned about my maturing rooks.  Should he be your number one concern though, I wouldn't have any hesitation upgrading him to a super gun - providing you have the trades to do so.  having trades for the final 10 rounds in pivotal


Quote from: tor01doc on June 23, 2011, 03:56:17 PM
Isn't SC > DT?

Everyone has their preferences.  Who am i to judge?


My Backs that have gained money are: Stanley, Puopolo, Hibberd then Strauss & Jacobs

I want to keep Stanley because he is scoring well and Byeless, I want to keep Hibbered because of his MPP.
therefore Puopolo, So the question is.
Do i need Suckling, or do i wait a week or 2 for Shaw?


You are a 3 star coach.

I just stud boots.


Quote from: tor01doc on June 23, 2011, 04:03:23 PM
You are a 3 star coach.

I just stud boots.

I don't pay too much attention to the rankings.  It doesn't make peoples opinions any less right or wrong.


Quote from: cledus32 on June 23, 2011, 04:02:48 PM
My Backs that have gained money are: Stanley, Puopolo, Hibberd then Strauss & Jacobs

I want to keep Stanley because he is scoring well and Byeless, I want to keep Hibbered because of his MPP.
therefore Puopolo, So the question is.
Do i need Suckling, or do i wait a week or 2 for Shaw?

I personally think i'll be trading in Suckling over Shaw.  Only because Shaw has burnt my testicles multiple times in the past.  I don't know if i can go back there without succumbing to the foetal position for 24 hours.  But that doesnt make him a bad pick this season so far.

Anyway, puopolo v suckling.

According to FF, Puopolo's BE is roughly 15 under his average.  Suckling's BE is roughly, 19 under his average.  So in laymen's terms, it pretty much means there is not a significant amount to be made by either of them, and even if they do go up in price, they'd go up roughly the same amount - providing they continue how they are atm.

Therefore, A puopolo trade to suckling this week is a reasonable one. you won't be losing much/if any income from your players but you'll gain a 24 point gain in averages.

One trade, an increase of 24 points seems good to me.