In a bind- FWD trade

Started by djff, June 23, 2011, 03:17:58 PM

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Hey all,

In a bit of a bind and hoping for some advice...  :D

Trades left = 9
Cash = $44,300

My Midfield and Rucks are ok. My Defence could be better but happy enough.
BUT my FWD is just not good enough. Franklin out, two bench players who rarely play and are out in the finals and matera who is still injured.
So, I need a plan to field 22 if Richardson or Harper do not play.

Team is as follows
DEF = Gibbs, Deledio, Enright, Heppell, Grundy, Lower, Puopolo (Adcock, Duigan, McKernan
MID = Boyd, Thompson, A Swallow, Swan, D, Ablett (Capt), Hibberd (Goddard, Curnow, Bewick)
RUC = Cox, Z Smith  (Vardy, Keeffe)
FWD = Franklin, ROK, Sylvia, Pavlich, Goodes, Petrie, Mzungu (Matera, K Harper, Richardson)

My thoughts:

1. Downgrade Heppell or Curnow -> Callinan or other rookie 
2. Upgrade Richardson or Harper or Matera -> Fyfe

Trade 1 gives me cash, leaves my Midfield ok-ish and gets rid of a player from the finals
Trade 2 gives me a good player and removes someone doing nothing on the bench (matera) or is in the finals (harper/Richardson)

Another Trade 1 option is Duigan to a rookie for the cash and then Trade 2.

Any  thoughts?
Happy for any other suggestions.
If I cannot get someone in for franklin I will probably field 21 players...



Your trades seems smart and logical.  Duigan isn't playing this week so you could always trade him next week or leave him as perma cover in your backs.  Callinan improves your mpp with your fwds (and will begin playing) and fyfe is a solid player with Mpp to boot.

A good plan for this round IMO, but continue to make a plan for the following rounds and execute your trades effectively in order to achieve that plan.  Focus on players wihtout byes to come/without byes in the finals.


hey slap where did you hear that duigan's not playing ?



Quote from: yorgis on June 23, 2011, 03:54:50 PM
hey slap where did you hear that duigan's not playing ?

An article in the West Australian.



Duigan is out. It is also on the herald sun website.


Quote from: Slap on June 23, 2011, 03:24:00 PM
Your trades seems smart and logical.  Duigan isn't playing this week so you could always trade him next week or leave him as perma cover in your backs.  Callinan improves your mpp with your fwds (and will begin playing) and fyfe is a solid player with Mpp to boot.

A good plan for this round IMO, but continue to make a plan for the following rounds and execute your trades effectively in order to achieve that plan.  Focus on players wihtout byes to come/without byes in the finals.

thanks for the reply. always good to have reassurance on what seem like drastic changes...
not sure about callinan but a few mention him here so...
have my list of finals byes and the multi-bye weeks imprinted on my retina... ;D  so can plan the trades as you say.

this is my first DT and was learning the rules as i went along, which meant using a few more trades than i would have or trading in the wrong palyers.


Quote from: djff on June 23, 2011, 04:05:49 PM
Quote from: Slap on June 23, 2011, 03:24:00 PM
Your trades seems smart and logical.  Duigan isn't playing this week so you could always trade him next week or leave him as perma cover in your backs.  Callinan improves your mpp with your fwds (and will begin playing) and fyfe is a solid player with Mpp to boot.

A good plan for this round IMO, but continue to make a plan for the following rounds and execute your trades effectively in order to achieve that plan.  Focus on players wihtout byes to come/without byes in the finals.

thanks for the reply. always good to have reassurance on what seem like drastic changes...
not sure about callinan but a few mention him here so...
have my list of finals byes and the multi-bye weeks imprinted on my retina... ;D  so can plan the trades as you say.

this is my first DT and was learning the rules as i went along, which meant using a few more trades than i would have or trading in the wrong palyers.

You are better to get your team right by using trades than sitting on them and having a crappy team.
Callinan is a good downgrade option in your forward line.  A lot of people had him in their initial teams before the season started - until he injured his bicep muscle.  He will more than likely debut this week.  But adelaide have a bye in rd 16, so you have until round 17 to find a suitable fwd to downgrade.


thanks again.

wil be doing both trades, i think, this week.

first, heppell to callinan for the cash
then harper to fyfe

well, until i see the teams tomorrow night.

i have heard that curnow might be dropped (but this is just some idle talk) and that with Mcmahon out Richardson might get a go in the backline. but i am just worried about heppell more than curnow.


or, i think, just the one trade of Heppell to Callinan in the midfield and play him in the team if richardson does not play.
then do my upgrade next week.

Dahlhaus (on the bubble), but that loses the MPP potential of Callinan.

hmm...too many options. :)