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FTP Forum Discussion Discussion

Started by AFEV, June 20, 2011, 01:38:51 PM

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Well I thought we could discuss things that are discussed on the FTP forum here.
That way we can have some more in depth conversations, I know I for one browse but don't post on the forums :x

To start:
Death orders. Never really thought about them or experimented with them I just put Jackson/Junior on double D (lfs/lm). This has me thinking and I might try Adams/Sodumo. Sodumo will be replaced with a younger fm/f next season, I don't want Vint though because he has to bat as well.


i have always been experimenting with my death orders but not to sure which is best. I never bowl my All-rounder at the death though


My death orders are usually a Ridge (RM) and Suri (RFS). Ridge has the OBB talent and Suri is a gun so I put them both on defensive. Usually works really well with them keeping the runs down and picking up some crucial wickets :)


I always use bowlers depending on the pitch, but I like to have a switch though. One spinner and a Medium if a slow pitch, etc.

But I have 3 medium's so its difficult for me to switch. I like to use Kramer, as his Swing talent always comes through. Martin, who is being sold at EOS with his Yorker talent is always handy as well.

Why wouldn't you use your AR Cookie?


Depends on the pitch... Nearly always close with a medium.

8-6 Suited

Depends on the pitch but I always have a FS. Mostly anyway.


anderson my FS with obb talent on N and a med on D

Justin Bieber

I use to have 2 OBB's in Morgan (FM) and Bennett (F). Both did great for me at the death but now Bennett is sold usually close with Morgan and Sreed/Tiyard (FS's). Seems to work well with alot of wickets usually falling late for me, half the time moreso for my spinners rather than Morgan. Works for me so I don't really change it besides which spinner bowls :P.

Master Q

Usually go with my FM's unless the pitch heavily favours Spinners.

Plus Hemming has OBB  :-*


The proposed prizemoney changes are very interesting ... Halving the EOS PM and reimbursing the other half as sponsorship during the season.

Personally, I don't think it will affect me. The extra sponsorship money will probably help me invest more $$$ into my youth academy, but I can understand how players who consistently perform well aren't being fully rewarded for their success.

From what I've read on the FTP forums, the change to PM is being introduced to assist 'newer' teams who struggle to stay out of debt. Honestly, I don't think any amount of extra $$$ through the season will stop bad managers from making bad decisions. As we have experienced with a couple of the recent 'noobs' here on FF (no offence Nails and PB  :P) there is a compulsion to spend money (especially on the TM) regardless of whether they are getting value for the money that they spend.


I agree. I prefer to have all my money and find it a lot easier to manage if that is the case.
For me this just encourages campers and lessens the reward for promoting. Basically Ash wants to halve the difference in the amount of monetary reward given to the top team and the bottom team.
Now, I don't want to camp, it is terrible, but with my young team and these new changes why shouldn't I?
I really, really, really do NOT like this at all.


Ash's whole reasoning for these changes is based around trying to keep as many new players in the game as possible. I think he is finding that a lot of managers are leaving the game because they cannot manage their finances properly. Like I said above, an extra $20k a week won't stop bad managers from going broke. They will find a way to spend it.

It is hardly fair for someone like Shaggy who has built up a very successful team to have his total prizemoney lowered just so a few guys who can't manage their finances properly can stay in the game.


Yeah it won't work, 20k doesn't go very far on the TM if you don't know what you are doing. I think a better way to get people to stay would be to make the mentor system an official part of the site. So that you can apply for it in-game. I think this way people would learn how to play the game and as a result get more enjoyment out of it. I think a lot of people probably miss out on this because they don't explore the forums.
For me, this will lower the experience for teams who do stick around....Nothing else.


Yep .. $20k is flower all when you invest $10k into each academy. The long term effect for these managers is minimal. It also means managers will bid higher for players on the TM that they should be avoiding. Can you honestly see Nails saving up this extra $20k per week or blowing it on the TM?


Quote from: Bazinga on June 21, 2011, 01:00:23 PM
Yep .. $20k is flower all when you invest $10k into each academy. The long term effect for these managers is minimal. It also means managers will bid higher for players on the TM that they should be avoiding. Can you honestly see Nails saving up this extra $20k per week or blowing it on the TM?

I've bought one player in the last ~12 days... I bought two players on my first day BASED off cookie's advice to look for players of capable/capable or better for $0-$75,000...

Since then when everyone else (except cookie -.- ) said it was bad I've only bought one player a 26yo RFS who's spec/spec who /everyone/ said was a good bargain/price... How about you all flower off, you guys just jelly I'll be better than you all before long because I have the dedication required to be the g'est coach in all of FTP land ;)

I followed some incorrect advice from cookie (who I was told gave good advice) and get slammed for it...

Mail from Cookie:

"First thing first is you want to start winning games and you will need better players for your team. The $ sign in the top right hadn corner is the Transfer market and you will find heaps of players there. As a new player look for players who are between 0 and 75,000 dollars to allow you plenty of players."

"yeah you need to have the top bid when the bidding ends. Atm you are looking for better players to win matches. So you are looking for players who are capable/capable or better in both batting or bowling and technique."