Players gone missing? this is a bad week

Started by djff, June 18, 2011, 05:01:54 PM

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I am not watching the games so maybe someone can tell me:

what has happened to Drew petrie, Andrew Swallow and Dyson Heppell?

are they playing? their scores have stopped moving!

aaarrgghhh!  kiss this round goodbye!


All I know is that Petrie plays in bursts. Normally he starts very strongly, then goes quite for a long time and if you're lucky he chips in with a few cheapies towards the end.
That's just how he rolls so I wouldn't worry too much!
Heppell's output has been down for a while now so I'm thinking he may be a bench warmer or a downgrade option for my side.


i hope petrie comes good in this last quarter. same with swallow.
as for heppell , thought to keep him a bit longer but some sub-par performances have left me least he has given me some cash...


heppell will be going out this week and i`m going to keep hibbo for a bit longer he seems to have taken heppells scores away.