Boyd's first quarter.

Started by LaHug, June 17, 2011, 09:18:05 PM

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Anyone watching the game? 12 at quarter time is awful! What's going on?



Quote from: Bluke on June 17, 2011, 09:25:57 PM

If you're refering to the fact that I and a lot of others have picked him as Captain, you're bloody right!

Thompson is getting outscored by Otten too (who I traded out instead of B. Smith about 3-4 weeks agoa :( ) thanks to 4 frees against in just over a quarter... (gotta be a record!), not to mention the fact that my league opponent is playing Libba on the field... lucky bugger... *grumble grumble*.


Disaster..second quarter not going much better.


Was going to go GAJ but chances my mind at the last moment...bugged...opponent has cox, who will probably score big THIS week...dammit


flower, i am actually over this DT season. Never thought I'd say it but I am.

Could've picked anyone else but thought Boyd would be ok. My opponent has Shiels and I know that little flower is going to slut it up against Gold Coast.


What the hell is with Andy Otten's score? Of course my opponent has him on the field...


what is flowering happening. can this week get any worse. have knights and boyd as captain and he is on 29 at half time. need huge junk time

last week had cox, week before selwood, week before swan, week before redden

my captains cant ever score a ton. if i had right captain choices could be ranked top 100


Quote from: LaHug on June 17, 2011, 09:41:32 PM
What the hell is with Andy Otten's score? Of course my opponent has him on the field...

Tell me about it, I traded him out 4 rounds ago for Jacobs as there was absolutely no word on when he was coming back... the of course B. Smith who I could have traded out over him gets injured... so bloody annoying (although thankfully my opponent doesn't have him).

Quote from: djff on June 17, 2011, 09:38:07 PM
Was going to go GAJ but chances my mind at the last moment...bugged...opponent has cox, who will probably score big THIS week...dammit

Yep my opponent has Cox as captain too... here's hoping he doesn't pump out a 120 + !


boyd needs 90 in the second half just to get a good captain score. dont see it happening. and knights i cant see him scoring anymore than 50. you are gone next week for sylvia


Thank god my opponent left zac smith in. That will even it up a bit as I have vardy and cox, and he has cox only but as captain.


although i hate to say ir coz i am in the same boat i dont think vardys 50 will make up for lost points on captain with boyd


i was going to go Boyd as last week i planned to put Clavins captain advised me to go cox, was going ot go against his boyd doesnt play well against adeliade but i put the faith in for one more week with Mitchell so im happy at the moment.


He scored 18 in quarter two. If we treat it as an exponential relationship, he should score 27 in quarter 3 and 40-41 in quarter 4. Grand total of 12+18+27+40 = 97...
Wow, even unwarranted extrapolation doesn't give him a good score. Oh dear  :-\


Quote from: Fossil11 on June 17, 2011, 10:01:02 PM
although i hate to say ir coz i am in the same boat i dont think vardys 50 will make up for lost points on captain with boyd

no but i can only hope cox stubs his toe on a dried hotdog bun thrown from the stands and is off a quarter...