Keep Selwood or cop a donut.

Started by LaHug, June 17, 2011, 12:33:28 AM

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Which trades should I do? (See below)

Selwood, Tapscott --> Premium, I. Smith (one donut)
3 (20%)
Selwood, Tapscott --> Premium, Howe (one donut)
3 (20%)
Matera, Tapscott --> I. Smith, Howe (no donuts)
5 (33.3%)
Z. Smith, Tapscott --> I. Smith, cheap ruck (no donuts)
1 (6.7%)
Z. Smith, Tapscott --> Howe, cheap ruck (no donuts)
3 (20%)

Total Members Voted: 0


With Smith out, I can put Petrie back into the rucks or keep him forward but, with Dawes in the forwards, I am facing two donuts either way.
I can downgrade both Matera and Tapscott OR Z. Smith and Tapscott to avoid the donuts, but this would mean still having Selwood next week and only 6 trades...
OR I can trade Selwood to a premium and get I. Smith or Howe in.

A few things to consider:
1. Would a premium + a donut OR Mzungu + I.Smith/Howe OR Mzungu + cheap ruck score more?
2. If I only get one of I. Smith and Howe, which is better?
3. If I go for a cheap ruck, who do I get?
4. If I go for a cheap ruck, I still need to get a mid/fwd DPP to shift Chappy forward later.

Probably more things to consider so, if you can think of something, please mention it below.

Obviously, a comment as well as a vote would be lovely.


P.s. link to my team:,35370.15.html


Not that hard to post a reply and/or vote...


I have selwood and I'm moving him on. As for either smith or Howe, well i feel both are some sort of a gamble. I have isaac so I hope he stays in the team and gets games. 

Although if your planning to move zac smith eventually now could be one of your last chances? With ruck rooks not all that common.


But is it worth copping a donut just to move Selwood on? I could always trade hi out next week.


Bartel is so cheap - that's what I'm doing with Selwood. As you say, it can wait - but bartel won't get cheaper - then, there's always a mid at whatever price you want to pay.

Yer donuts matter more - I Smith for his mpp is good, but JS is a problem - Callinan would be an option soon.

That's two choices I'm saying can be put off - better advice maybe if I look at yer team ... l8r

Bottom line problem is 4 forwards who are not mpp aren't playing.

Bottom line answer must be to trade one of them to someone who's playing, no?

With few trades left, just one trade is preferable. Every one of the outs may well play next week.

There's not enough $$$ to seriously upgrade --> one of them is downgrade (no rookie swaps with so few trades).

One of Tapscott / Dawes / Matera is going. The other 2 are F5,6,7,8 with Petrie eventually, along with whoever you buy, unless someone gets upgraded.

With so few trades, the forward line is never what you really wished for.

Cut the losses, get the mpp, use Smith even if he doesn't play.

Or, wear it until Callinan is back.


league or overall makes a huge difference and if its league do you need to win in the next month


Quote from: Prospector_1 on June 17, 2011, 01:44:48 AM
Bottom line problem is 4 forwards who are not mpp aren't playing.

Bottom line answer must be to trade one of them to someone who's playing, no?
Yep, couldn't agree more. But whether to trade both of them to Howe/I. Smith (which is probably what I'll do) or trade one and trade Zac Smith to a cheap and playing ruck. Which do you think is the better option?

Quote from: Prospector_1 on June 17, 2011, 01:44:48 AM
With so few trades, the forward line is never what you really wished for.
How do you figure?
Pavlich, Chapman, Franklin, Harvey, Goodes, Riewoldt, Dawes... that's 7 premiums (or 6 if you don't count Dawes) plus Petrie as cover via DPP. Just need a DPP mid/fwd to swap with Chapman to move him there.
If you're talking about rookies, Matera and Tapscott both went down (unfortunately) and Tippett is just there for the link. Once I trade Tapscott (and possibly Matera) this week, I'll be fine for cover with Mzungu and Petrie swaps possible.
Is there something I'm missing?

Quote from: Holzman on June 17, 2011, 01:46:17 AM
league or overall makes a huge difference and if its league do you need to win in the next month
Is it allowed to be just for fun? I guess league would be the best answer to that question, but I'm more just trying to get big scores week in week out. :)


Have kept Selwood at least for this week...was going to cop a donut in the mids, but downtraded instead D.Swallow --> I.Smith as he should play the next 3-4 games with Hawthorn's injuries, and with my Coll'wood players back next week (Swan, Thomas) will be fine.
I have also just remembered that one of Joel's suspended matches happens during Rd16 with no H2H matches scheduled, so for myself who isn't going for overall means he'll only miss 3 reg season H2H DT games, and I'm in top 4 in my league and counting on skipping Rd2 finals so he's even more of a keeper for me now!


Well, Pros, is there something I'm missing......?


Get max bailey in for z smith, pretty solid JS compared to the other two/


Quote from: JBs-Hawks on June 17, 2011, 06:06:41 PM
Get max bailey in for z smith, pretty solid JS compared to the other two/
Is he better than Howe and I. Smith? I will have to play whoever I get this week so scoring potential is also a big motivator! Also, getting Howe/Smith frees up more cash for a mid upgrade from Bewick


Is it allowed to be just for fun? I guess league would be the best answer to that question, but I'm more just trying to get big scores week in week out. :)
Like your style Hugs, I play the same way and league/total points takes care of itself. I'm actually keeping Selwood which is against the grain so of course suggest you donut dodge this week. Remember if you hold Selwood this week then only 3 more to wait. It'll be like counting down the nights until xmas when you were little especially with so any jumping off. A unique uber GUN!


If anyone's wondering, I went Matera, Tapscott --> I. Smith, Howe, avoiding donuts.
I felt that I didn't need to downgrade Z. Smith until after Cox and Petrie have their second byes. Then, I can downgrade him for literally anyone IF I need the cash or just keep him and have him as cover when any ruck or forward is out with the Petrie swap!