1st year and need some help on what trades to make!

Started by Jay, June 15, 2011, 08:39:18 AM

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Ok here is my team at full strength just going for league win with 12 trades and 203,100 in the bank

Back: fisher delidio goddard enright newman gibbs heppel___lower buckley puopolo
Mid: swan pendles Jelwood s.thompson cotchin harris___iles jacobs prestia
Ruck: sandi cox___smith bailey
Forward: pav n.roo j.roo rioli goodes yarran mzungu___lynch mckernan richo

As u can see i have pendles swan and selwood riding the pine which is a problem as i have a big league game this week also mckernan and lynch are failing me in the forwards and looking to turn one of them into dids???

I really need some help as to what trades to make and when



This week
Selwood to Ablett/Boyd
Then if you like a risk Sandi to Tippett or other rookie ruck. With Renouif Injury Bailey looks like getting games. Would give you $420k additional cash. I anticipate that when Sandi comes back his price will fall for a couple of weeks and Smiths will keep rising so maybe just a sideways trade.
Next week Lynch/Mckernan to Sylvia
Prestia to Ablett/Boyd  or Lower to Shaw
Leaves you 8 trades (one of which you may use to trade Sandi back in if desired)and a solid team .
This week also use your MPP to ensure no donuts.


Yer all my 0's are covered this week.

The sandi trade is risky but could pay off handsomely i just dont feel i need to take that big risk as i am well positioned in all my leagues


I know it is a risk - I took it a few weeks ago when Smith started churningout large scores to get rid of deadwood on bench and upgrade a few players.  Am hoping that I can trade Sandi back in as a swap with Smith or with minimal cash outlay. (have kept 100k in reserve for this in case)  Smith is currently $396k with a B/e of 67 so price rise possible again this week and Sandi will fall for the first 2 weeks as his B/e when returning is 164.
I basiacally considered it as cashing in bench value to improve team


mate if you have heldo onto sandi for this long and he should be back in a couple of weeks it makes little sense to trade him, it would be a waste to trade out sandi now only to bring him back in! use smith for cash after WCE and dockers byes imo for cash for finals.
mate this week is going to be a pickle for many sides so don't over panic, don't make silly trades!
i'd say its a little bit tough for you, you really need a bit of a plan for your next 6 or so trades mate, kinda sucks that some of your rookies in your mid and forward line haven't really maxed out enough. your forward line bench is very weak, but i'd expect cam richardson to appear again (esp if injuries occur), apparently he hasn't been playing too badly in the 2s. issac smith from hawks is every chance of getting named this week with clinton young straining his hamstring. he is 103k mid/forward mpp. he has already played 2 games with an average of 79. but i'm not sure who you would look to trade him out for, top of my head i don't know many of your rookie's current prices. i guess you need to let us know if you want to trade out Jelwood or not? missing next 4 weeks and 2nd round of finals, so missing 5 games definately out of next 12 rounds! i started boyd and if i didn't have him i'd be all over him like a bloody fat kid with a cupcake this week at his price- straight swap for selwood has alot of merrit if thats the path you want to take, unless you downgrade lower for strauss (who is probably the best rookie left) and upgrade someone on your mid bench or harris for boyd and deal with jelwood next week or if you want to keep him i don't know. but if you want league win only just sit jelwood on your bench pendles and swan back next week. i'd be looking to find a way to make mzungu your bench cover for your midfield and forward line with prestia link up and upgrade the other rookies if you can! hope that makes sense cos i've just realised i've wrote alot!!!


Take a breath, Torress! That's one solid slab of text :)
Totally agree with you about Sandi, although the rumours about Zac Smith being out may force a few hands...


Quote from: Torress on June 15, 2011, 01:39:35 PM
mate if you have heldo onto sandi for this long and he should be back in a couple of weeks it makes little sense to trade him, it would be a waste to trade out sandi now only to bring him back in! use smith for cash after WCE and dockers byes imo for cash for finals.
mate this week is going to be a pickle for many sides so don't over panic, don't make silly trades!
i'd say its a little bit tough for you, you really need a bit of a plan for your next 6 or so trades mate, kinda sucks that some of your rookies in your mid and forward line haven't really maxed out enough. your forward line bench is very weak, but i'd expect cam richardson to appear again (esp if injuries occur), apparently he hasn't been playing too badly in the 2s. issac smith from hawks is every chance of getting named this week with clinton young straining his hamstring. he is 103k mid/forward mpp. he has already played 2 games with an average of 79. but i'm not sure who you would look to trade him out for, top of my head i don't know many of your rookie's current prices. i guess you need to let us know if you want to trade out Jelwood or not? missing next 4 weeks and 2nd round of finals, so missing 5 games definately out of next 12 rounds! i started boyd and if i didn't have him i'd be all over him like a bloody fat kid with a cupcake this week at his price- straight swap for selwood has alot of merrit if thats the path you want to take, unless you downgrade lower for strauss (who is probably the best rookie left) and upgrade someone on your mid bench or harris for boyd and deal with jelwood next week or if you want to keep him i don't know. but if you want league win only just sit jelwood on your bench pendles and swan back next week. i'd be looking to find a way to make mzungu your bench cover for your midfield and forward line with prestia link up and upgrade the other rookies if you can! hope that makes sense cos i've just realised i've wrote alot!!!
Wow thanks. I believe trading jelwood has to be done, will most likely trade him for boyd. Bit stuck on wot to do next tho. FYI im just going for league win

For those thinking i have 2 threads on this sorry...this is because i had one in players and trades, now prospector has moved the one in the players and trades section to this section so for any further advice please post here: http://www.fanfooty.com.au/forum/index.php/topic,38571.0.html


Personally, I would do this, but it means you lose your MP

fisher, delidio, goddard, enright, newman, gibbs, lower <jacobs, buckley, puopolo>

boyd, ablett, S. Thompson, Cotchin, Harris, Iles <Swan, Pendles, Prestia (E)>

sandi, cox <smith bailey>

pav, n.roo, j.roo, rioli, goodes, yarran, mzungu,___lynch mckernan richo

Jelwood > Ablett
Heppel > Boyd


Lynch/Mckernan > Callinan
Harris > Sylvia


Thanks for the advice

I would like to keep the def/mid mpp so could I do this?

This week:



This keeps the mpp link and leaves me with more $$$




Yeh something like that is good.  within the context of leagues, would try fit in ablett seeing he has no byes left.  Harris still has a BE of 70 which isn't too bad, so maybe trade out selwood first.  I would forgot about Boyd for now, and get another 2 premiums in your forward line.


Lynch/Mckernan > Smith
Selwood > Abeltt


Harris > Sylvia
Yarran > Franklin/Boomer.


so your team should look like this in 2 rounds

fisher, delidio, goddard, enright, newman, gibbs, lower <jacobs, buckley, puopolo>

Swan, Pendlebury, ablett, S. Thompson, Cotchin, Mzungu <Jacobs, Iles, Prestia (E)>

sandi, cox <smith bailey>

pav, n.roo, j.roo, rioli, goodes, franklin/boomer, sylvia <Smith, mckernan, richo>


Ok so i would still need 1 more mid upgrade correct?


the last one one you can cash in on Smith at some stage to finsih off your mids.

I think you should set up the forwards after you get ablett.  it looks a bit weak, with richo/mckernan/lynch as bench options.


So here are my trade options please give advice as to which one

1. This week
Lynch & selwood-->i.smith/howe & ablett
Next week
Harris & iles-->priddis & didak

2. This week
Lynch & selwood-->callinan & ablett
Next week
Harris & iles-->boyd & didak

3. this week
Lynch/Mckernan > Smith
Selwood > Abeltt
Next week
Harris > Sylvia
Yarran > Franklin/Boomer.
(option 3 would leave me with 8 trades and still need 2 more trades (downgrade and upgrade) to finish my team



Last week i went selwood&lynch-->boyd&i.smith

My team now looks like this with $317,600 and 10 trades sitting undefeated in my league.

Fisher deledio goddard enright newman gibbs heppel
Lower buckley puopolo

Swan pendles boyd s.thompson cotchin mzungu
Harris iles jacobs

Sandi cox
Smith bailey

Pav goodes n roo jroo cyril yarran i.smith
Mckernan prestia richo

Wot trades should be on the cards this week???