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How does this happen?

Started by BU1101, June 14, 2011, 09:28:17 PM

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Dear Footy lovers,
I am writing to you because I am deeply concerned with the state of the game and the incompetence shown by the decision-makers at AFL House. The decision to rub-out Joel Selwood for 4 weeks is farcical. It shows no understanding of how the injury suffered by Brent Guerra can occur and shows colossal ignorance on the part of the AFL Tribunal. The ‘eardrum’ is known as the tympanic membrane which adjusts to pressure via the muscle Tensor Tympani, preventing rupture. A sudden, unexpected change in pressure does not allow the tensor tympani to react and causes the rupture of the tympanic membrane. The effects of a rupture are threefold.
Firstly, it can extremely painful.
Secondly, it can cause hearing loss and accompanied disorientation
Thirdly, the change in pressure in the Tympanic Cavity alters pressure on the membrane wall of the semi-circular tubes that contain ossicles that we use for balance.
Looking these symptoms it is not hard to establish the cause for Brent Guerra’s reaction. The force of the blow has little to do with him falling over. The initial pain and change in ability to balance would’ve sent Guerra to the floor and would have made it difficult for him to rise with confidence. The symptoms of the injury caused the state Guerra was in, yet the Tribunal only took interest in the injury itself and the possible recovery period when sentencing.
It is incredibly unlikely that a closed hand is able to cause this injury, even with extreme force. It is far more likely that an open hand, cupped over the ear would cause the required air pressure change. From the footage, a hand slipping up from the shoulder after grappling with Guerra is likely to have caused this unfortunate injury. He was charged with a high impact striking charge which is simply ridiculous and was deemed as intentional when it is clearly not. Joel Selwood has never been reported at any level and now his good record is tarnished by the AFL.
The AFL appears blind to the obvious in this situation and I would recommend you consult anyone with a medical background to confirm my suggestions. It is atrocious that this kind of decision can slip though the AFL system without anyone mentioning the obvious flaws.
Much Love,
P.s For those morons out there, save yourself the time and dont post a reply.


I thought the incident happened off the ball? Which is why there's no footage of it?

Whether it was intentional or negligent, he busted the guys flowering eardrum, in a court of law he would still be held responsible, so why not in afl? Selwood should have just accepted the charge on the chin- he was never going to be let off, to challenge the decision only certified his extra week.

Geelong is lucky they have such an easy run now though, could have been interesting if they'd come up against the pies/hawks selwoodless :P 


Just a small point; I was looking at the live decision on the AFL website and Selwood admitted he contacted Guerra with an open hand.

I still agree with you that the decision is a crock though.


An incidental open hand to the head, Zip? With an open hand the contact doesnt have to be too hard at all to cause this injury. Is that worth more than a week? It is a free-kick off the ball, maybe 50m penalty and at absolute worst a week for recklessness. If the umpires were doing their job and looking after Selwood in his attempt to make space none of this wouldve happened. They normally protect him for his ducking shower when he is on the ball, why not here?

8-6 Suited

You are missing the point. He still caused the injury. He did the crime, contact off the ball then topped it off by going after the sacrosanct head.

Get over it and move on, instead of being a whiny little girl.


He plead guilty... nuff said.


I know a guy who got the same thing when he left his earphones in all night (low volume) then he took them out. May not have been as serious but the inner/middle ear is extremely sensitive and it doesn't take much to damage it.
Yes Shaggy he did it but should have been charged with reckless not intentional and I think reckless is downgraded to a 2 week suspension with an early plea so this is annoying.


Quote from: 8-6 Suited on June 14, 2011, 10:27:08 PM
You are missing the point. He still caused the injury. He did the crime, contact off the ball then topped it off by going after the sacrosanct head.

Get over it and move on, instead of being a whiny little girl.

i don't agree with taking the injury into account, if there was two cases of a sling tackle and in one instance the player got up and continued playing and in the other instance the guy broke his arm would you suggest 1 week max in the first case and 5 weeks for the second. It should be purely based on the incident not the injury caused. From what i saw that was in no way a 4 week hit, and if he wasnt injured I don't think he would have got any weeks.

This is similar to when players target injured players, sure it is a low act and know one likes it to happen but you have to be objective it should just be what contact was done and how hard was it.

Back on to the case of selwood, i think 4 weeks is shocking for a player with a perfect record to essentially go out for an open handed slap which is still undecided if it was intentional or accidental. I have seen far worse thing go for far less.


Quote from: Holzman on June 23, 2011, 04:27:53 PM
Quote from: 8-6 Suited on June 14, 2011, 10:27:08 PM
You are missing the point. He still caused the injury. He did the crime, contact off the ball then topped it off by going after the sacrosanct head.

Get over it and move on, instead of being a whiny little girl.

i don't agree with taking the injury into account, if there was two cases of a sling tackle and in one instance the player got up and continued playing and in the other instance the guy broke his arm would you suggest 1 week max in the first case and 5 weeks for the second. It should be purely based on the incident not the injury caused. From what i saw that was in no way a 4 week hit, and if he wasnt injured I don't think he would have got any weeks.

This is similar to when players target injured players, sure it is a low act and know one likes it to happen but you have to be objective it should just be what contact was done and how hard was it.

Back on to the case of selwood, i think 4 weeks is shocking for a player with a perfect record to essentially go out for an open handed slap which is still undecided if it was intentional or accidental. I have seen far worse thing go for far less.
Pretty sure Monty got given a week because he bumped Curnow while he was injured.
Had Ed been fine that bump would have been nothing...


Quote from: Sid on June 23, 2011, 04:36:17 PM
Quote from: Holzman on June 23, 2011, 04:27:53 PM
Quote from: 8-6 Suited on June 14, 2011, 10:27:08 PM
You are missing the point. He still caused the injury. He did the crime, contact off the ball then topped it off by going after the sacrosanct head.

Get over it and move on, instead of being a whiny little girl.

i don't agree with taking the injury into account, if there was two cases of a sling tackle and in one instance the player got up and continued playing and in the other instance the guy broke his arm would you suggest 1 week max in the first case and 5 weeks for the second. It should be purely based on the incident not the injury caused. From what i saw that was in no way a 4 week hit, and if he wasnt injured I don't think he would have got any weeks.

This is similar to when players target injured players, sure it is a low act and know one likes it to happen but you have to be objective it should just be what contact was done and how hard was it.

Back on to the case of selwood, i think 4 weeks is shocking for a player with a perfect record to essentially go out for an open handed slap which is still undecided if it was intentional or accidental. I have seen far worse thing go for far less.
Pretty sure Monty got given a week because he bumped Curnow while he was injured.
Had Ed been fine that bump would have been nothing...

exactly my point, he didnt get charged for what he did.

8-6 Suited

It's not about causing a broken arm... He went after the head and EVERYONE should know by now, bumps, hits, ANYTHING that causes contact with the head is instant pine-treatment. Selwood smacked him in the side of the head (perhaps accidentally, I will conceed that) but regardless, you do the crime then you do the time.