Toughest Weeks, I Need a Way Through! Please Help?

Started by TMurphBROWNLOW, June 14, 2011, 12:24:31 AM

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here's my team for THIS round:

Gibbs, Deledio, Fisher, Goddard, Enright, Adcock, Puopolo (Otten, Toy, Jacobs)
Boyd, Thompson, Bartel, Dal Santo, Heppell, Iles (Swan, Selwood, Smith)
Cox, Smith (Sandilands, Campbell)
Franklin, Chapman, Pavlich, Goodes, Riewoldt, Mzungu, Darling (Krakwhore, Richardson, Howe)

as you can see im not doing really well, and to be honest it is my first legit year at dreamteam  :-\ other years i've entered but havent put any thought into it and this year has been pretty bad. i have 65k left and 9 trades and happy to be on at least 3-5 by the end of my upgrading process.

Round 13
Otten - Golby

Round 14
Darling - Sylvia
Dal Santo - Pendlebury


questions = am i trading otten prematurely? should i trade darling this round or suffer the drop? should i do the sideways dal santo to pendlebury and settle my nerves + midfield? is there a way in which i can fit all sylvia, pendlebury AND didak into my team with 4 trades as previously planned?

thanks for reading and considering, hopefully at least 1 person will reply to this and help a fellow fanfootyer out :) (if possible a way in which i can squeeze all three in + the rookie :P)


Could wait, Otten still has more money to be made I would think. If you must to get the cash could work. Maybe better DT downgrades than Golby, maybe even consider K Hunt who is rock bottom cheap and guaranteed more games.

Darling to sylvia looks great, but silly to trade dal santo for pendles, mega sideways. Better to upgrade a heppell or iles.


yeah i think i may be stressing about my overall position atm, i think i may need to make a late surge (if anything)... is that possible with my team and if i plan my trades right and dont do the trades prematurely??

khunt is only 3k cheaper... perhaps wait and see how he goes this week? so i should hold onto dal santo? boy im in for the rollercoaster of my life hahaha i'll maintain the faith with him :)

cheers benny! really appreciate it :)


Otten's ave is 69

BE is 40.... at least one more week you can hold onto him for

Darling to Sylvia is a good move

dal santo could be a downgrade to someone like evans (melb), atley (NM) or hibberd... and then upgrade another mid to Pendles....

another thing.... Heppel is going to lose you money next week....


considering a heppell to nicholson to retain mpp, or swap heppell into backs for jacobs and trade him for hunt/golby/simpkin/tuohy. this would give me the 4 trades i need to upgrade to pendlebury, sylvia and didak ;D


okay new trades!!!

Round 13
Heppell - Hunt

Round 14
Darling - Sylvia
Krakwhore - Didak

Round 15
Puopolo - Suckling/Shaw

PROS: Full team of premiums
CONS: retain rollercoaster dal, dont pick up pendlebury


Quote from: TMurphBROWNLOW on June 14, 2011, 01:34:09 AM
okay new trades!!!

Round 13
Heppell - Hunt

Round 14
Darling - Sylvia
Krakwhore - Didak

Round 15
Puopolo - Suckling/Shaw

PROS: Full team of premiums
CONS: retain rollercoaster dal, dont pick up pendlebury

i like the fact that youre considering getting my man hunt in!

i like the sylvia trade, not sold on didak though. if you have enough coin when the time comes id consider fyfe, hes sitting around 365 from memory and averaging 100, multibye if youre going for league. 

not having pendles is a con yes but if youre worried about having dal in your side, burn an extra trade which will leave you with 4 still and sideways his ass to mitchell, your team would look menacing


Heppell has only had a few bad games... I wouldn't be pulling the trigger on him yet. I'd be keeping him as your 7th back and avoiding a possibly sideways trade...

Personally, I'm in a pretty similar position to you, although I have 10 trades left and 100k more in the kitty (but one less premium back... playing Heppell/Lower). I was planning to possibly downgrade/upgrade this week, going Krak to Fyfe (who has a B/E of 90 and is 366k), and then Darling to Howe, and then like you getting Sylvia in round 14 (or perhaps 15), or maybe even Chapman if he starts showing some form.

Obviously you already have Howe, but getting rid of Otten in perhaps a week or two (if you can wait, or you could just get rid of him this week for Tuohy or someone else?) to free up some cash, and then you should just have enough to bring in Fyfe (or perhaps even Rioli) and Sylvia. I know you're keen on Didak, but I reckon Fyfe or another forward premium like ROK will be worth the extra money... and you should be able to afford them even with just a single downgrade.

6 trades left doesn't sound to bad does it? And your team will be pretty damn strong to boot... If you're really keen on Pendles, Dal Santo could be the one to cull... but I'd wait, as Dal Santo should start scoring decently again, whereas Pendles isn't likely to go up in price much... plus there aren't many good downgrade targets around at the moment...

Good luck mate.


yeah lukeboy I like the idea, not so much on the fyfe idea cuz I'd have him, pav, Sylvia, Howe and mzungu out, meaning a certain donut even when I use my MPP link!

interesting points possumo I'm really grateful you took the time to really consider my options :) heppell's gotta go this week so I may do the krak -> O'Keefe trade... or wait a week and do puopolo/otten to suckling trade. I think I'll have a little faith in nds to make me an extra 40-50k before i trade him out!

as for your own team the idea of getting Howe, chapman and Sylvia in the next few weeks sounds really good, I wish I has timed my trades better and picked up chappy around now!


Quote from: TMurphBROWNLOW on June 14, 2011, 01:15:26 PM
yeah lukeboy I like the idea, not so much on the fyfe idea cuz I'd have him, pav, Sylvia, Howe and mzungu out, meaning a certain donut even when I use my MPP link!

interesting points possumo I'm really grateful you took the time to really consider my options :) heppell's gotta go this week so I may do the krak -> O'Keefe trade... or wait a week and do puopolo/otten to suckling trade. I think I'll have a little faith in nds to make me an extra 40-50k before i trade him out!

as for your own team the idea of getting Howe, chapman and Sylvia in the next few weeks sounds really good, I wish I has timed my trades better and picked up chappy around now!

Hah, it's all luck though really, I'd been planning to get Chappy before but luckily I held off... wasn't so lucky in trading in Swan instead of Pendles after his first bye though!

Getting back to your team though I know Heppell will drop a bit in price, but I reckon you should eventually shift him into the backline and keep him as your 7th back (definitely over Puop). I reckon downgrading Otten and upgrading Darling this week to ROK could be a good move, unless you REALLY don't want to keep Heppell... to be honest though I think it will cost you more points, even if it means playing Howe... or if you think Iles is a better option to play on the field due to his proven consistency, just keep ROK in Darling place in the forward line... he is more likely to loose more money than any of your other players... Krak is likely to even make a bit more money for you too... I'm personally considering holding onto him as a pretty handy 8th forward/7th mid.

Anyway, in the end it's your call, and I'm sure you'll make the right one :)


heppell is the only one that can make me enough money to do 3 upgrades! one downgrade 3 upgrades is something that sounds too ridiculous to pass up, especially if its fyfe, sylvia and pendlebury!!! anyway, i prefer suckling as my 7th defender towards the end :) cheers buddy!



Quote from: yorgis on June 15, 2011, 04:22:13 PM
you keeping selwood ?

yep i need him for the finals. not fussed on rounds to come cuz im assured a top 4 spot :)


Can I just say that the situation you're facing is half as bad as mine. lol

Mundy, Selwood, Swan, Pendlebury, Shaw, Adcock, Smith, Sandilands, J Tippett are all no chance of playing.

Bewick, Richardson, Khunt are possibles.

Plus I wouldnt be surprised if Darling is dropped for a rest. He looked tired against Adelaide.


wow you're in for a tough week! i reckon whoever has a full side with none or one premium out will shoot up the rankings with ease!