im not bloating but more thanking

Started by Montag, June 11, 2011, 08:52:41 PM

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thankyou liam shiels for brightening up my long weekend. so far knights and cox ruined it but having andrew swallow on like 13 while you are on 66 makes it pretty good. keep going and crack 200


you know what, I took one look at shiel's score and was like- great. Another gloating point for montags.


You're not bloating, but you are gloating. Regardless of what you say it's rubbing it in our faces by making a post about it... and frankly I don't think anyone could give 2 flowers, get over yourself Montag.


Just Clancy

It seems everyone gets pissed of at Montags all the time, lol.


I think he got so happy he mixed boasting and gloating together in the same word :P


yep. bloating isnt that what happens when you eat too much oh well
98 dt points mid way through 5mins into 3rd. he is on fire


You know what would make it even better...If you actually had him in your team Montag. For someone who has big opinion on him you never got him.


Quote from: Windigo on June 11, 2011, 09:54:01 PM
You know what would make it even better...If you actually had him in your team Montag. For someone who has big opinion on him you never got him.

Apparently he got him last week. i.e. just in time for his crap score. lol.


I didn't need to know ur not bloating but thanks anyway :)


ive got him.
you guys are just so jealous and im sickl of all the crap you keep laying on me so i am deleting my account because i dont need you anyway. i know good pick ups when i see them i dont need others to talk me out of it. flower you all



lmao. He had a go at me saying I DT too much and I'd never get a girlfriend, yet he posts more topics than anyone on all of FF and gets so upset about a few words on a forum  ::)

Goodbye Montag. I won't miss you.


Mate what's your ranking? If you're half as good at picking players as you say you are you must be in about the top 50.


Well done Montag now whats your team rank and your team name. While your talking about players you told everyone to pick rischitelli over Ablett aswell that would have worked well wouldn't it. Spot talking yourself up untill you can back it up with your real ranking and team name