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Your Favourite/Best Player

Started by Maca24, June 11, 2011, 07:40:24 PM

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Thought Id start this up, just tell us about your Favourite/Best player that you have a soft spot for.
Maybe his your favourite cas he always dominates when you need him to, Or maybe cas you bought him for literally nothing and he has been a jet. Any reasons really.

My Favourite player would have to be Heath French.
Ive had him from virtually the start and got him for 25K? Have trained him up and rode every pop.
He has had his good and bad days, with lost of scores of 10 or under but I think he has turned the corner as he now gets lots of big scores. He opens for me and is now an Exp/Exp 21yr old with Capable Endo, Fielding and Poor Power.
No gun, but good compared to when I got him.


mine would be Albert Boyd, a 21 yr old exp/exp, a bit like yours maca, only with 2 lvls lower endo and fielding and 3 lvls higher power, has been an absolute gun for me and im hoping he will continue that f=throughout the rest of his career ;D


roo boys!


I have a few.
Jackson was bought for 3k as a 20 y.o (about to turn 23) and is being groomed as a Lidger type of player, Cap/Exp/Exp finger spinner. For some reason he always chips in with the bat, with a top score of 104 when everyone else failed. He has pulled out some freakish efforts with the ball as well, although he can be inconsistent. At his best I have seen him take 4/46 on a flat/humid.

Shaggy Junior, bought him for under 40k at the end of my first season. At the time he looked like a decent prospect, but nothing special. Exp/rel and about to turn 22, but a flurry of pops has seen him reach outs/outs at this stage and he has remarkable secondaries for his age - accom power, reli endo, cap fielding (safe hands) and reliable exp to boot. Been a really good player for me.

Seeley Booth. Ah, how I could go on about this kid. I'm possibly more attached to him than I am any to any of my non-Shaggys. bought him at 27k (then thought to be an overpay) as a Cap/cap/accom 20 y.o keeper. At the tiem of his purchase he was competing against 2 older, and more skilled keepers. He played in a few matches and soon forced his way into the T20 side. Then soon after he had pushed into the SOD side, and then the older keepers were sold. Now he is Reli/accom/exp with reliable fielding and endo. He will be outs/outs/spec w. accomplished fielding. Love the kid :-*

But...My favourite? Well...

Willow Shagmeister.
Bought as a 21 y.o, just after Junior. He was Outs/outs but lacked secondaries. Now, as a 23 y.o he is Spec/spec and his secondaries are pretty much caught up. He has single handedly kept the team from being slaughtered several times this season, and has been a complete rock at 4.
I have no doubt this guy will be with me for at least 6 more seasons and he will be in the HoF as well.

Some guys who could break onto this list: Adams, Otieno & Vint.


Special Mentions for me.
Adam Downton, got him for 100K (Initially thought id made a mistake)
But is now a 25yr old Spec/Spec Fast-Medium with Reasonable experience and Capable Secondaries. Poor bat (Will get to Ave)
Good performer to.

Brock Lesnar
Both freaks! Lesnar Spec/Spec 23yr old Finger Spinner with Reasonable Experience and Capable fielding by next week.
Shower power, but doesnt need much, if any as a spinner. Does perform well when I need him.

Wilfred McKintosh
22yr old Outs/Outs batsman with Reliable Experience and Reliable Captaincy. Average Power, Fielding but Capable Endo?
Him and Lesnar will be my core forever. Will continue to get players as good as them slowly (Probs 1 a season)
Big Mak is my captain and has been batting at number 5, but will move up the order after this season.


Sankar Ritula

my 21 year old bought him for 22k
11th ranked 21 year old in all of India
capable field and endurance
reasonable power
and capable experience

gonna be a star for years to come for me



None for me .. yet. Lets hope this thread stays active cos I'm sure I'll be posting here in about 6 months time .. Hopefully with Sheldon Cooper or Jay Cartwright's name posted everywhere   :P


Quote from: Bazinga on June 11, 2011, 11:44:59 PM
None for me .. yet. Lets hope this thread stays active cos I'm sure I'll be posting here in about 6 months time .. Hopefully with Sheldon Cooper or Jay Cartwright's name posted everywhere   :P
not if you keep playing me :P

Justin Bieber

He's AWESOME Boomz, but set you back quite a bit :o. He was bought for more than probably my entire first XI!!!

I've got quite a few Favs as they've been with me for seasons. - First Buy EVER for only 3k :). - Fourth Buy ever and probably my best player. Although ratings don't show it, he is my most consistent bowler both wicket wise and economy wise, not to mention has saved me alot late in the innings with his talent. 134 wickets for me in SOD 8). Only cost me 6k to build up 8). - Fifth Buy ever :P. Have a soft spot for him. - Most all rounded player I have where I have done most of the work in the Seniors :P.

Now for my Youth recruits who I have a huge soft spot for and get the call up when resting :P. - Coming up for his 50th Youth game next week :D.
All Jets 8).


Well of course it would have to be the great Freedom Mabothe. my Zimbabwean All Rounder and Indian Giants Cup 4 Player of the Tournament. The man is a machine and I love him

Then there's Stanley Wright. my 63k Rated Wicket Keeper. He's fast becoming a special player for us.

And no favorite player can pass without mention of the Cult Hero of the Brat Pack. Ethan "Super Batsman" Cain. Still going strong. He'll probably enter my Hall of Fame at EOS.


My other favourite would have to be Stewart Crameri (renamed :P) only 20 and has been a very good addition to my side this season... used as an open for a while and did good enough & then down the order & is still going alright :)

Cookie Monster

Shaggy Ngilu

He's a freak, and he performs every week and his accumalator talent puts him a perfect number 3.

Matthew Batty, Got him for 13k, have left the fielding a bit behind, will be a future AR for me though, will pop in batting very very very soon, but gonna work on fielding for a while...
Chris Majorbanks, got him for 1k, i think he has just got great skills for the price that i got him at. OBB helps :)
Padman Arnold, we all know him a YP, pure class probs wouldve been better off selling him but im stuck now! could possibly reach accom/accom by EOS :o Talent goes to his advantage too