14 trades left/PLAN

Started by Johnboy, June 11, 2011, 02:07:22 AM

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Well after not trading this round I'm worried I've left my traidng and upgrading until too late. Mave I been holding on too long?

Current team:
Goddard, Gibbs, Heppell, Lids, Lower, Stanley, Puop (Howard, Otten, Toy)
Swan, Selwood, Boyd, Montagna, Pendles, Bartel (Krak, Jacobs, Bewick)-FINISHED
Sandi, Cox (Smith)-FINISHED
Chappy, Goodes, Stevie J, Higgins, Buddy, N.Voldt, Knights (Mzungu, Lynch, Richardson)

25k, 14 trades.

Ranked 4,400

Next week:-13
Krak (260k)-Howe (90k) (IF NAMED) Bank: 190k
Stanley (270k)-Adock/Suckling (340k)

Bank: 120k

Week after:-14
Lynch (200k)-Callinan (80k) Bank: 240k
Otten (220k)-Shaw (360K)

Bank: 120k

Week after: -15
Lower (310k)-Fisher (360k)
Knights-Didak if in form and to avoid bye

Goddard, Gibbs, Heppell, Lids, Suckling, Fisher, Shaw (Howard, Puop, Toy)-Would like Scotland but bye puts me off, not a stong finisher to seasons, old
Swan, Selwood, Boyd, Montagna, Pendles, Bartel (Callinan, Jacobs, Bewick)-Best mids going around if Bartel/Montagna fire up.
Sandi, Cox (Smith)-Best combo if Sandi comes back firing, if not Smith can average 90 odd
Chappy, Goodes, Stevie J, Higgins, Buddy, N.Voldt, Didak/Fyfe (Mzungu, Howe, Richardson)-Yeaaa

8 trades

Good plan?


I've made no secret of how much I dislike Heater Shaw, so if you swap him for Andrew Mackie then I am severely impressed and raging with jealously. Nice squad mate! And your trades look *borat voice* VERY NICE!
Not sure if Didak is much of an improvement on Knights but see what's happening by round 15 and re-assess.


Nice looking plan there mate


good plan agreed probably a bit late on the trades better late then never. didak?


Looks like a great team. If you are going for league and have to play the week Geelong has a bye I would be a little concerned tho. I have one Geelong back mid and fwd and I'm just hoping I progress and don't have to play that week


Quote from: Johnboy on June 11, 2011, 02:07:22 AM
Well after not trading this round I'm worried I've left my traidng and upgrading until too late. Mave I been holding on too long?

Current team:
Goddard, Gibbs, Heppell, Lids, Lower, Stanley, Puop (Howard, Otten, Toy)
Swan, Selwood, Boyd, Montagna, Pendles, Bartel (Krak, Jacobs, Bewick)-FINISHED
Sandi, Cox (Smith)-FINISHED
Chappy, Goodes, Stevie J, Higgins, Buddy, N.Voldt, Knights (Mzungu, Lynch, Richardson)

25k, 14 trades.

Ranked 4,400

Next week:-13
Krak (260k)-Howe (90k) (IF NAMED) Bank: 190k
Stanley (270k)-Adock/Suckling (340k)

Bank: 120k

Week after:-14
Lynch (200k)-Callinan (80k) Bank: 240k
Otten (220k)-Shaw (360K)

Bank: 120k

Week after: -15
Lower (310k)-Fisher (360k)
Knights-Didak if in form and to avoid bye

Goddard, Gibbs, Heppell, Lids, Suckling, Fisher, Shaw (Howard, Puop, Toy)-Would like Scotland but bye puts me off, not a stong finisher to seasons, old
Swan, Selwood, Boyd, Montagna, Pendles, Bartel (Callinan, Jacobs, Bewick)-Best mids going around if Bartel/Montagna fire up.
Sandi, Cox (Smith)-Best combo if Sandi comes back firing, if not Smith can average 90 odd
Chappy, Goodes, Stevie J, Higgins, Buddy, N.Voldt, Didak/Fyfe (Mzungu, Howe, Richardson)-Yeaaa

8 trades

Good plan?

Definately a good plan. And on your first question, you definately haven't left your trading until too late your team is strong currently. You're going to rip it up in the 2nd half of the year, here's hoping Howe goes alright this week so we can downgrade to him next week  :)