sandi-?, then upgrade midfield or forward

Started by djff, June 10, 2011, 01:27:55 PM

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I am looking to win my league nothing more at this stage and doing well at the moment. I have a tough match coming up next week and an ok one this week.

I was thinking to trade out sandilands and then upgrade a midfielder or forward.  I keep saying it but always seem to baulk at the last minute, thinking to keep him so i have good coverage in the finals. But, i think a toe injury is hard to come back from for such a big guy...?

Whatever I do I was hoping to keep away from players who are in the finals.

So, two options- look to upgrade a midfielder (Option A) or a forward (option B)

My current midfield is:
  Boyd, Gibbs, A.Swallow, Deledio, Ablett, Curnow (Swan, D.Swallow, Bewick)

My current Rucks:
  Cox, Z.Smith (Sandilands, Keeffe)

  Adcock, Goddard, Heppell, Enright, Duigan, Lower, Puopolo (Grundy, McKernan, Hibberd)

  Goodes, Sylvia, Franklin, Pavlich, Petrie, Darling, Mzungu (Matera, Harper, Richardson)

Current salary cap remaining = $24,100
Traes left = 12

A. Midfield
My thoughts are
this week:  Sandilands
-> Griffin, leaves me with $230,400
-> or Vardy, leaves me with $304,700

Next week: Depending upon the above trade and how these players go.
- D.Swallow to Scott Thompson or Dal Santo  (somethign about thompson i like...)
- Bewick to Scott Thompson or Dal Santo

B. Forward
- Same Sandilands trade as above
- Then next week Richardson or Harper to Fyfe or O'Keefe.

does any of this sound crazy?



Sounds good.

Would get Vardy over Griffen. No point buying a more expensive ruckmen who won't be played on field.

If you were to get Dal Santo, this would be the week to do it. He'll jump up in price for next. If you want to spend the extra cash, thompson is a better option imo. Upgrading your mids means you can swap Deledio into your backline.

The It

Sounds good as well. I will probably trading out Sandilands out this week in order to better my team for a tough round.

As you have Petrie in the forwards might want to consider Tippet (GC) to get the DPP link and a little more cash


Quote from: Sleeken on June 10, 2011, 02:03:04 PM
Sounds good.

Would get Vardy over Griffen. No point buying a more expensive ruckmen who won't be played on field.

If you were to get Dal Santo, this would be the week to do it. He'll jump up in price for next. If you want to spend the extra cash, thompson is a better option imo. Upgrading your mids means you can swap Deledio into your backline.
Get Matt Lobber of Port. he DPP's into the forward line.


Quote from: Sleeken on June 10, 2011, 02:03:04 PM
Sounds good.

Would get Vardy over Griffen. No point buying a more expensive ruckmen who won't be played on field.

If you were to get Dal Santo, this would be the week to do it. He'll jump up in price for next. If you want to spend the extra cash, thompson is a better option imo. Upgrading your mids means you can swap Deledio into your backline.

thanks for the reply.

i thought griffen might still get a play, even when sandilands is back, but vardy is cheaper and i will probably need the cash. as long as vardy keeps playing, otherwise I will only have two playing rucks...

thanks for your comment on thompson- i do prefer him and he was an option when i brought in sylvia (on the week he hurt himself!). deledio is swapping with goddard but any extra is good.


Quote from: The It on June 10, 2011, 02:08:12 PM
Sounds good as well. I will probably trading out Sandilands out this week in order to better my team for a tough round.

As you have Petrie in the forwards might want to consider Tippet (GC) to get the DPP link and a little more cash

thanks for the reply.

I thought about trading for someone to swap with Petrie but Tippett has not played a game and is not lookign liek he is (or am i wrong?). If not, then i will have two rucks on the bench that do not play at all...

i thought about Kurt Tippett but he is a bit too expensive for a later trade with thompson, although dal santo is still fine.


Quote from: PowerBug on June 10, 2011, 02:15:44 PM

Get Matt Lobber of Port. he DPP's into the forward line.

thanks for the idea.

would have 2 x non-playing rucks on my bench, whcich worried me, even with the swap with Petrie.
something to think about, though.


Quote from: djff on June 10, 2011, 02:34:57 PM
Quote from: PowerBug on June 10, 2011, 02:15:44 PM

Get Matt Lobber of Port. he DPP's into the forward line.

thanks for the idea.

would have 2 x non-playing rucks on my bench, whcich worried me, even with the swap with Petrie.
something to think about, though.

Yes but due to the dpp you could swap petrie back into your rucks if need be (which would leave a bit short of bench players in your fwds though). The only time you'd need bench cover for the rucks is for the WCE bye (assuming no injuries).

That said, I'd personally go vardy unless you were also going to upgrade richardson.


Quote from: Sleeken on June 10, 2011, 02:54:11 PM
Quote from: djff on June 10, 2011, 02:34:57 PM

Yes but due to the dpp you could swap petrie back into your rucks if need be (which would leave a bit short of bench players in your fwds though). The only time you'd need bench cover for the rucks is for the WCE bye (assuming no injuries).

That said, I'd personally go vardy unless you were also going to upgrade richardson.

thanks for your idea- i can see what you mean about the bench cover.

what do you mean about the richardson upgrade?


Oh I meant if you were upgrading richardson as well (which would cost a lot) then you could put darling on your bench, meaning that it wouldn't matter so much if you had to swap petrie into your rucks sometime down the line.


just food for thought but griffin will hold his spot, at least till sandi comes back. has average of 100 and B/E -40. vardy has

average of 58 and B/E of -45. diff in price about $70k , but griffin is also on the bubble


Quote from: Sleeken on June 10, 2011, 03:53:12 PM
Oh I meant if you were upgrading richardson as well (which would cost a lot) then you could put darling on your bench, meaning that it wouldn't matter so much if you had to swap petrie into your rucks sometime down the line.

ah, i see what you ment. thanks for clearing that up...
must think about thsi after 5pm, i think...


Quote from: yorgis on June 10, 2011, 04:03:00 PM
just food for thought but griffin will hold his spot, at least till sandi comes back. has average of 100 and B/E -40. vardy has

average of 58 and B/E of -45. diff in price about $70k , but griffin is also on the bubble

i see, so you think griffin to get some cash for a later trade...? i can see the merit in that, although my trades are limited.
i see the benefit- tough decision since i don't have a lot of cash and woudl need to trade out someone like
D. Swallow

to pick up Thompson. bewick to Del Santo would be fine, though...


thanks for the tips, everyone. it has been a great help.

since this week should be a win for me in the league match, barring injuries, I decided to:

1. trade sandilands for vardy, netting some cash...
2. wait until next week to decide on Thompson (who won't go up a lot even if he scores big), or work on my Forwards or defenders

my mid-field is ok. my forwards and defenders could do with work.


Looks pretty solid bud.

Just went Sandi>J.Tippet & Boak>Selwood.

Then next week: Stanley>Scotland

Week After:Coad>Shaw
