Who are my keepers?

Started by Generalsor, June 07, 2011, 05:00:20 PM

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Backs: Gibbs, Adcock, Goddard, Heppell, Enright, Duigan, Puopolobench: Smith, Jacobs, Stanley

Mids: Swan, Pendles, Boyd, J Selwood, Montagna, Ablett
bench: Hibberd, Mzungu, Irons

Rucks: Cox, Smith
bench: Sandilands, Bailey

Forwads: Franklin, Goodes, N Riewoldt, Petrie, Knights, J Riewoldt, Rioli
bench: Darling, Lynch, Prestia

I'm trying to decide who to upgrade and who to keep out of the highlighted options. 119,900 left with 12 trades.
Petrie and Knights are in good form, J voldt i'm not so sure on. Darling has been a great rookie and could be a bench keeper. Thinking of upgrading Stanley this week because of his price...

Pretty much i'm confused and am looking for advice


id upgrade  Smith (guessing its brodie?) , duigan, darling, knights in that order ...


Yeah that sounds like the go - just gotta have the cash. trading zac smith out in a couple weeks should do it


i agree rko smith duigan and darling. heard here in adelaide that irons is out with shoulder and may not play again this season.