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Started by bomberboy0618, June 06, 2011, 08:04:37 PM

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Can someone give me advice on how to improve my youths, and who to cull?

roo boys!

All of them :P

Haha dunno haven't looked yet.

Master Q

My opinion's not wanted  :-X


Ok I'll try and give you some adivce BB :)
So here it goes...

Well looking at your league and your remaining matches I can't see you winning any of those games so you have to face the fact that you are going to get relegated. Because of this you might as well fire your 3 19 y.o players now since none of them look good enough to make it to your senior team or get any money from selling them, so that is Sanders, Roberts and Farrell.

To go along with that you should probably also get rid of these guys:
• Golam Gani - yes reliable keeping is good, but not handy if he can't bat and dreadful batting is rubbish
• Vitalis Mugeyo - just not up to standard
•Ranald Black - as above
• Ginty North - as above
• Clyde Garner - could maybe keep if you really want to

That leaves you with 11 players to work with so you would also need to bring in some more players to develop. If you want to bring in 16 year olds at this point of the season they would probably need one of their primaries avg. Someone who is ord/avg or avg/ord shouldn't cost too much at this point of the season I wouldn't think. Also if going for 17 year olds go for at least avg/avg with maybe 1 reasonable in there.
I have this guy that I could sell if you want him as he prob wont get a game for me...

By the way how much are you investing in your academy at the moment and what level is it?

Justin Bieber

Like CF said, cull the 19 y.o's to save wages and prepare for the future. May look to sell them as I've seen worse players (and older players) sell for like 10k (I mean WTF).

I'd personally keep Gani in for now. Dreadful Batting is bad but can bat lower in the order (7th or 8th). Keeping is handy especially as Wilkinson is the closest to him at Average Keeping.

Like CF said, look for Ave/Ave 17 y.o's at a minimum. 16/17 y.o's seem the way to go to help get rid of some of the useless 18 y.o's.

I could offer up:

Not great Youths but a start if you want.

Master Q

I think I have some players you might want - on my phone so I can't show them now


Some great advice there guys.

BB - this depends on what your intentions are with your youth academy. If you aren't investing much (or don't intend to) I wouldn't go down the path of 16 or 17yr olds, only because you won't be able to develop them into good 19yr olds. Look at buying some 19yr olds at EOS, although I'm not sure you will find many good ones.  But, if you DO wish to invest into your YA, go down the path of 16/17yr olds and you will have lower wages and you can use the extra money to pump into your YA.
Most of your current 17/18yr old players aren't very good. When they turn 19 they won't help you be competitive in your youth league. Like I said, you need to decide if you want to be competitive instantly, which means buying mostly good quality 19yr olds at EOS, or save some money and get some 16/17yr olds (ave/ave minimum) and invest some $$$ into your YA.

Hope this helps.


Ok first off, I love you all. No homo.
Im investing 25000 so a bit, and my academy is at reasonable.
I want to build up from stratch as
(A I wont feel as guilty when i make my senior team full of pensioners
(B Monday night will be more interesting.
Ill fire the players you suggested now.
Edit- Not firing gani as i reckon he might be ok, and same as garner.


Basically for primaries try go by this:

avg/avg - 16
reas/reas - 17
cap/cap - 18
rel/rel - 19

Thats what i try get my guys at :)