FanFooty Dream Teamer of the Round: Round 11! CLOSED

Started by LaHug, June 06, 2011, 02:07:15 AM

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Hey guys, if you haven't seen the DTer of the Round thread yet, see here:,33162.0.html

If you think you might have a shot at being the top FanFooty Dream Teamer of Round 11, or just feel like sharing your score/rank, post how many points you scored, your score rank for that round and your team name.

The winner will be acknowledged for eternity in the Hall of Fame!

You will have until midnight Tuesday to get your scores in. After that, this thread will be locked.
No bogus! I will be checking!




As per usual, I will start things off (after another awful round...).

Team name: LaHug
Score: 1926
Round rank: 59,875

Hopefully you guys have done better than me!

Well, looks like LE beat me to it and also beat me in the round :P



i've seen some bigger scores this week in my leagues i think but i'll put mine up anyway ...

EDIT: micah's marauders
Score = 2171
Round rank = 2404


Please make sure you include your team name! It helps me check that scores are legit!


Rising Phoenix 888, Round 11 score 2172pts, round ranking 2346  ;)


Dont worry about ranking :(Fail


I never post here because I always know/have seen someone who had me beat...

but (cause I started Stanley over Lower fmdt) The Mighty Nailers scored: 2,196 for a round rank of 1,376.  Which is 950 spots worse than last week's weekly ranking :(


Quote from: Nails on June 06, 2011, 11:13:58 AM
I never post here because I always know/have seen someone who had me beat...

but (cause I started Stanley over Lower fmdt) The Mighty Nailers scored: 2,196 for a round rank of 1,376.  Which is 950 spots worse than last week's weekly ranking :(
To be fair, most people (including myself) would have started Stanley over Lower.


^ it was the right move considering the circumstances.  Stanley was uber consistent up until this round while Lower is so up and down it's a bit ridiculous. Sure, he pulled out a good score this week, but it could have easily been a 40 again. Don't beat yourself up over this.

Wes Mantooth

Name: Mk.Juan
Score: 2205
Round Rank:1000 something

Overall: 285 :)


My mate from school was ranked 180 for the week.



Quote from: Wes Mantooth on June 06, 2011, 03:17:46 PM
Name: Mk.Juan
Score: 2205
Round Rank:1000 something

Overall: 285 :)
Go Wes! In with a chance for the overall!!  :)