Alan Didak

Started by Jakeyboy, June 06, 2011, 12:32:39 AM

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Dids is averaging 74, gone down $140k and has a breakeven of 45 next week. im thinking bring him in as he's still got the potential and just needs to get a bit of form back... thouughts?


I would go ahead with that trade but remember they have got the bye in 2 weeks time.


I gave Didak...

One night and one more round
Thanks for the memories
Even though they weren't so great
Colin Sylvia tastes like you, only sweeter.

Gave him this week to prove himself, but he didn't therefore I won't get him in and I don't think you should either... 11 rounds is a long time to find form.
Colin Sylvia should be ~320-330k in two weeks time. Hence tastes like Dids, but should average ~20ppg more and is also MPP.


Hahah nice nails, I have both though :(


Didak is MPP though.



yeahh but i still believe that he could come back from this slump of form...


wait for him to actually come good, his BE is not so low that he's going to explode in value, give him 2 weeks a reassess after the bye. Sure it may costs you $30k if he gos well but at least you'll know what your getting otherwise you burn a  trade for a 70-odd avg and a bye coming up just to save a few $$'s


Quote from: Jakeyboy on June 06, 2011, 10:41:30 AM
yeahh but i still believe that he could come back from this slump of form...

It's hard to call 11 rounds a slump... He is looking better though...


Quote from: Nails on June 06, 2011, 12:35:30 AM
I gave Didak...

One night and one more round
Thanks for the memories
Even though they weren't so great
Colin Sylvia tastes like you, only sweeter.

Gave him this week to prove himself, but he didn't therefore I won't get him in and I don't think you should either... 11 rounds is a long time to find form.
Colin Sylvia should be ~320-330k in two weeks time. Hence tastes like Dids, but should average ~20ppg more and is also MPP.



I'm getting him in this week for Chris Knights as my 8th forward to cover byes and injury in the forw line and mid line.  If Swan's out this week he should get a bit of run in the mid and be up for a big queen's b'day game.  If you look at his scoring trend he smashes it in the 2nd half of the year with his lowest last year of 79 and the majority in the 100's and a few high 90's.


As someone who started with Didak at $400k+ my advice is to stay away. I'll be trading him out in R13/R14 because his form just hasn't picked up at all. Even since his sub game he hasn't picked up on scoring majorly. He's averaging 75 for a reason.

In hindsight, I could've had Darling for $300k less give me the same average ;)


Trade him in its your team i'm trading Libba for Chapman this week but considered going Didak to Champman


Quote from: Cicjose on June 06, 2011, 01:37:08 PM
Trade him in its your team i'm trading Libba for Chapman this week but considered going Didak to Champman
Why Chapman? He's a bit out of form, isn't he?


if averaging 101 is out of form be my guest and trade him out