Started by bigsy, June 04, 2011, 10:16:36 AM

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Which Mid-Fwd DPP would be best (going for league)?

Nathan Fyfe
6 (31.6%)
Colin Sylvia (with his price drop :D)
5 (26.3%)
Adam Goodes
8 (42.1%)
Anyone Else???
0 (0%)

Total Members Voted: 2


Will trade David Swallow out for one of these DPP bad boys so as to swap them into my forwards

Anyone have any suggestions??


would go sylvia over the others.
was going to get him after this round but that has changed.
alot of people got him this week too :)


But Sylvia go injured last night so wait till you find out how he is


Of course everyone is going to wait to see how bad the injury is, but with the 21 in his rolling average for the next 3 games he could drop to somewhere below 330k, almost got him this week instead went for the cheaper Mitchell n the mids.

Anyways for your question i like Fyfe more but now Sylvia is going to drop so much i would probably get him instaed. Much of a muchness i think



if sylvia sinks enough I might be able to get both :D

any ideas on what he might sink to??


330k it what i heard. that will take 3 weeks including this one.

Master Q


But isn't there a risk Sylvia will get injured again sooner or later? I have to admit I am keen, especially if he is at a low price, but last year he went missing in the second half of the year... made a lot of people in my league sad panda's (although thankfully I wasn't one of them :) ).


goodes is the go . he'd play with a broken leg


^ second that, most durable player out.



just wondering, would I be mad to upgrade to maybe both goodes and fyfe rather than upgrade to just one of them and one backman (to someone like enright)