Franklin out

Started by fortynine, June 03, 2011, 12:48:51 PM

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My mate told me last night that apparently Buddy tore his calf muscle yesterday, and whilst being named might not be playing tomorrow? I can't tell if he's razzing me or not...

His dad is good mates with Buddy's dad back from Perth (which is true, I've seen photos with them and met Buddy's dad and my mates place) and he told us tonight when I went around, and I don't really have any reason to not believe him, but I still cannot tell if he's trying to get in my head...I know that he has had trouble with that sort of injury and similar

Has anyone heard ANYTHING else that could validate the story? I'm still starting him regardless, it's just made me think twice about what Emergency to play incase he is a late withdrawal (he does have amazing healing ability so even if he has got something wrong it could be OK by game day)


If this is a joke it's not funny.
although i doubt you would type three paragraphs if it was bulldust.
I seriously hope your mate is a White Goodman :)


Also can I just add as a quick P.S

I know that there has been some idiot going around making up stuff about Judd etc, I just wanted to clarify I have no reason to ask this question other than purely out of curiousity, I'm not trying to start anything malicious..

Red Dirtie

Apparantly Joel Selwood was also rushed to hospital last night after a motorbike ran over and broke his foot!

They haven't released it yet because they think he is still a chance to play???  8)


Looks like my emergency will have to kick butt then  ;)


Hmm I really hope your mate is winding you up. Would make selecting my fwd/mid emergencies this week a pain in the butt



Great. About to trade Franklin in and this comes up.
Guess I'll just have to cross my fingers.



God I hate that extended bench !!!!   :'(


guess we'll just have to wait until teams are named tonight




I'm waiting for the day that a player misses a week due to infection from getting a 'sleeve' tatoo...