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im gone

Started by dylsta05, June 02, 2011, 04:55:08 PM

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im de-activated my account tonight.

reason: people sending me abuse and things i got told from a few (no names)

bye bye FF

sorry for my joke and i apolgies but doesnt mean i need to get abuse in PM's

Love everyone here but im out


This better not be another one of your "jokes"


its not for serious, it will be deleted soon


i don't think anyone would joke about this, especially with the stuff thats going on now.

cya dyl, have a good life.


I think you are all turning into sheep, just because people had legit reasons for leaving doesnt mean you can leave for a random reason. We are dying here!


thanks hiilly, its not just about the abuse i got some informations which im dizzy on


Quote from: dylsta05 on June 02, 2011, 04:59:21 PM
thanks hiilly, its not just about the abuse i got some informations which im dizzy on


not going to share anyways leave it.

good to know use repect everyone, im sorry and bye


Quote from: dylsta05 on June 02, 2011, 04:55:08 PM
im de-activated my account tonight.

reason: people sending me abuse and things i got told from a few (no names)

bye bye FF

sorry for my joke and i apolgies but doesnt mean i need to get abuse in PM's

Love everyone here but im out


well he is now gone aswell. anyone else leaving? :-\



Abuse on a football website?

In such a minority ( 5300 members, and probably half of them never go on FF at all) there is still abuse.......

Wow, I never thought that there would be so many 'bad' people. It's the lowest act to abuse/criticize on the net. To me it's just low. Anyone can type on a keyboard. But it takes real guts to do abuse face to face.

Low act. 


Quote from: Windigo on June 02, 2011, 05:06:50 PM
Abuse on a football website?

In such a minority ( 5300 members, and probably half of them never go on FF at all) there is still abuse.......

Wow, I never thought that there would be so many 'bad' people. It's the lowest act to abuse/criticize on the net. To me it's just low. Anyone can type on a keyboard. But it takes real guts to do abuse face to face.

Low act. 


This is going to keep happening imo, 2 people leaving took down the floodgates.


i haven't been given any abuse, but i have been receiving messages from newbies.

i do not want to put in the messages, but i am thinking of taking temp leave, but if i get any more, i may have to leave.

there is abuse over the internet, it is low, and it is bad, i have sent them these messages but they all come back with messages abusing or attempting to abuse me or my family.

but as i said, i am taking temp leave for a bit, and if i get any more, i'm out, it's just not on.