Ask Ziplock

Started by Ziplock, June 02, 2011, 04:51:11 PM

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Got questions? Need answers? Then I'm your man.

I can't provide guarantees for anything (I honestly did not see libba + conca's poor scores coming), but, I'm pretty solid for information and can offer an extra opinion.

So, fire away.



ablett or mundy for harris this week? mids are swan boyd judd bartle and priddis?


Stanley, Lower, Poo, Jacobs
(one of that lot)

Mzungu, Harris, Bewick, Hibberd, I. Smith
(one of that lot)

Smith vs WCE or Petrie vs Crows
(second ruck spot)

cheers ZIP


Is it the right time to trade in Broughton? I am tempted. Downgrade Tapscott to Mzungu and then Brodie Smith or Duigan to Broughton. My backs will be Gibbs, Deledio, Goddard, Murphy, Heppell, BROUGHTON, Stanley (Duigan, Lower, Toy)


Is GAJ worth getting ?


I have 2 questions.
I am bringing mzungu into the forward line.
Whos should i use to upgrade? Libba or Harris?
And who should i bring in? i have pendles, Judd and boyd. in my mids


Murphy or Thompson for Harris?


Looking to trade both libba and conca will be getting mzunga on the downgrade and am undecided on upgrade

Current mids: swan Boyd selwood Sylvia mundy Harris polec libba conca.

Not really interested in hodge and will maybe get Pendles after his bye thru a mpp swap with Sylvia and krak/Higgins if he doesn't start producing.


Who should play?

Duigan, Stanley or Puopolo


Mzungu, Jacobs or Libba


Darling to I.smith
Harris to Pendlebury

Even if smith isn't named this trade will likely happen. Darling is going to decrease in value, BE 90, and there aren't many other options. As for Pendlebury, no one else in the mids I would choose above him so I think I'll cop the bye on the chin for round 13. Thoughts?


Quote from: bombers11 on June 02, 2011, 04:57:09 PM
ablett or mundy for harris this week? mids are swan boyd judd bartle and priddis?

Slipped a little behind, sorry. Either one are good options, probably ablett for overall though, as he doesn't have a remaining multi-bye, or any byes for that matter. And if the suns lift, then he'll be coming along with them, his 150, followed up by a 90 against geelong makes it seem as though you can't really go wrong.

That being said, I think mundy will still probably end up averaging more for the rest of the season, even if by only a couple of points. For league, I would say mundy, he gets a rest during a non-league game meaning you don't have to cover him for your league fixtures.

It's a lineball. I think Mundy's scoring will stay a little down during sandi's absence, but once big 211 gets back, he should be firing.

Unfortunately, Ablett not having any byes left could be a curse as well, no rest means the general may strike at anytime.

In a nutshell, I would be looking at mundy atm, he's proven himself far more (this season) than Ablett has. But, I wouldn't be expecting ridiculous scores from him until sandilands come back (although respectable tons seems likely).


Quote from: elephants on June 02, 2011, 04:57:39 PM
Stanley, Lower, Poo, Jacobs
(one of that lot)

Mzungu, Harris, Bewick, Hibberd, I. Smith
(one of that lot)

Smith vs WCE or Petrie vs Crows
(second ruck spot)

cheers ZIP
Stanley- avg 73, playing WCE
Lower- avg 72, Hawthorn
Pups- av 74, Fremantle
Jacobs- av 70, Carlton

Remove lower from the equation, his scoring is too up and down, ,] I wouldn't trust him a field spot.

I wouldn't be fielding jacobs either for the same reason, later in the season perhaps. As well as that, defenders average the least amount of points against carlton. Eliminates him for me.

Defenders do have a higher average against Fremantle compared to west coast, but, that being said, Stanley is a hyper consistent player with a mature body and is coming off a close ton against geelong. He wins out over pups for me.

I would pick mzungu from those mids, but mids average considerably less against hawthorn than any other position, and, while he is a beast, he may be subjected to the red/green vest as he is still just returning from injury.

I would go hibberd against melbourne- he's been relatively consistent, and melb. give away a lot of points to both mids or defence, so where ever he plays he should be racking up some nice stats.

Petrie vs adelaide or smith vs WCE with an in form cox?

Petrie, no  brainer.


Quote from: fivestarmd on June 02, 2011, 05:09:04 PM
Is it the right time to trade in Broughton? I am tempted. Downgrade Tapscott to Mzungu and then Brodie Smith or Duigan to Broughton. My backs will be Gibbs, Deledio, Goddard, Murphy, Heppell, BROUGHTON, Stanley (Duigan, Lower, Toy)

Honestly, no. Once freo are doing better with injuries they'll drop broughts back to his lockdown role which he was playing while they were winning games, rather than being trashed. Could be a punt, and he'll give you a fair amount of points + cash over the next few weeks, but, unless you're sitting on a lot of trades, I wouldn't be doing it.


Quote from: RocknRobbo on June 02, 2011, 05:11:43 PM
Is GAJ worth getting ?

Short answer- yes. I think he's turned a corner and is lifting his game, a 90 odd against geelong is a solid enough score considering how much attention he was receiving. That being said, there may be better options out there, I would be rating Swan (when he recovers), Pendles, Selwood, Boyd, Murphy, Thompson above him at this point in time, even andy Swallow if he keeps current form.


Quote from: Ziplock on June 02, 2011, 07:02:58 PM
Quote from: elephants on June 02, 2011, 04:57:39 PM
Stanley, Lower, Poo, Jacobs
(one of that lot)

Mzungu, Harris, Bewick, Hibberd, I. Smith
(one of that lot)

Smith vs WCE or Petrie vs Crows
(second ruck spot)

cheers ZIP
Stanley- avg 73, playing WCE
Lower- avg 72, Hawthorn
Pups- av 74, Fremantle
Jacobs- av 70, Carlton

Remove lower from the equation, his scoring is too up and down, ,] I wouldn't trust him a field spot.

I wouldn't be fielding jacobs either for the same reason, later in the season perhaps. As well as that, defenders average the least amount of points against carlton. Eliminates him for me.

Defenders do have a higher average against Fremantle compared to west coast, but, that being said, Stanley is a hyper consistent player with a mature body and is coming off a close ton against geelong. He wins out over pups for me.

I would pick mzungu from those mids, but mids average considerably less against hawthorn than any other position, and, while he is a beast, he may be subjected to the red/green vest as he is still just returning from injury.

I would go hibberd against melbourne- he's been relatively consistent, and melb. give away a lot of points to both mids or defence, so where ever he plays he should be racking up some nice stats.

Petrie vs adelaide or smith vs WCE with an in form cox?

Petrie, no  brainer.
beautiful cheers zip, had petrie and stanley locked i was just seking confirmation ;)