Got Any Funny, Painful or Major Incidents In Your Life?

Started by Windigo, June 01, 2011, 06:44:31 PM

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I'm bored so I'll start with a couple painful painful things that happened to me during primary school....
Golf Ball Incident:

I won't go into depths about it, even though I did do a speech about it at school a few years back.
Anyway, my school Principle was an avid golfer and he decided to test his drive out on the long stretch of field that lies behind school. All the kids in my school (about 20, maybe less) followed him, like eager lambs we were.

I wanted to collect the balls hit by out principle, he obliged. I positioned myself at the other end of the field. I surmised that I would be "safe," if I hid behind the nearby tree. After each strike I would dash out from behind the tree and take the ball and put it in the supplied bucket......

"The small boy with the sandy blond hair had a vibrant smile upon his face, the air smelt of rotten pine needles and moss beneath the big pine tree where the small boy sat, waiting eagerly for the next ball to be struck. The boys blue eyes grew large when he saw the next white golf ball hit the grass and bounce near him and stop. Like a panther, he quickly vacated his spot from behind the tree and ran to pick the ball up..."

I can remember it clearly, I knelt down to pick the ball up and from the top of my vision I saw a white blur...Then pain.

So to make a long story short. I got hit just above my right eye. Right on the eyebrow. The doctor said to me, that I was very lucky that It didn't hit me in the eye. Other wise, I may have lost sight in my right eye. Also, I read an article recently about a woman who got struck by a golf ball and it hit her in the front of the skull and killed her.

So, I feel pretty damn lucky!  ;)

However, I did have one monster huge lump. Like maybe two closed fist in size. I was one-eyed for like a month & a half.

So, yeah. I have another story as well...

But do you have  any stories to share?  ???

roo boys!

Umm.... I broke my arm playing basketball? :P Besides that...


I have never broken any bones.  ;)

I have another.....:

This happened 2 years after the gold ball incident..Anyway, my teacher decided that she would take us outside (for it was a beautiful sun drenched morning) and we would each see how far we could hit a tennis ball with a tennis racket. So we all lined up out on the asphalt. I positioned myself behind my best friend, each kid had one swing and one ball.

Eventually it was my friends turn. He stepped up to the line, he was probably the best hit in our school at that stage. What ultimately sealed my fate was that I got to close my friends hitting arc. so, he threw the ball up and went back for the hit......He missed the ball and with his follow through the racket hit me high on my left cheek....Just below my eye.

So again to make a long story short. He hit me in the cheek and cut it open. Plenty of blood and stitches followed. Also, the double whammy was that with the impact he dislocated my neck...Again. So, then I had to go through the physio and bone crunching for a second time. Hooray.

So, yeah. I now have a rather large scar on my face. Just another happy time at Primary School.



Probably my worst incident was when I was 12. After school some of the kids had joined a basketball team and they'd practice on the Asphalt courts so I hung around and shot with them until their actual training started, anyway another kid and I were chasing a rebound for a shot and we both got caught in each others feet and fell over.....he was fine....but the way we landed had all mine and his weight going on my left arm.....and I reckon you could hear the snap for about a block.....basically what happened was the primary bone of my arm (I have no idea what they're called) fractured and pushed up about 3 inches from the bone....if it wasn't for the asphalt I landed on it would've compound fracture....the secondary bone snapped clean and I basically had to spend the night in the Monash to get my arm set.

That's not the end of the story though. See I'm not racist, really I'm not but the first doctor I saw (Ie: Not the surgeon) was an Indian doctor and this currymuncher knew less than flower all.....for example.. I've been told I can't move my arm at all from the GP who sent me there because the bone was sitting in a way it could burst through at any minute and flower up my arm for what does Dr. Dumbflower do when he sees me? Grab the flowering thing and try and stick a needle in there!. I so wanted my mum to kick him in the nuts.

But it's STILL not over. The surgeon finally gets there and goes to set my arm back in place, and he's making it clear if my arm isn't held straight it won't set who gets the job of holding my arm? Dr. Dumbflower....and he's so intrested in the person in the next cubicle rather than his job that of course my arm doesn't set properly....which means I have to go to Morrabbin hospital to get the thing rebroken and set right.

Like I said I'm not racist but I will NEVER see an Indian doctor again in my life


man I will jump in this thread in a bit probably, I honestly need time to collect my thoughts and stories, I've had so many accidents/ screwups, or caused them that it isn't even funny lol.

roo boys!


Some doctors must surely buy there certificates online.  :P

Funny thing happened today at school.

We were kicking one of those high bounce 'floaty' soccer balls playing that one bounce game and my mate kicked it over near the bins so I chased after it before it bounced again and I got it and I kept kicking it into the wall and the 3 bins got in the way.......

So I decided in the heat of the moment to try and kick bin out of the way.......I tripped over another bin and that fell down and I followed.... right on top of it on my back witch such force that I bounced off the bin onto the cement.  >:(

Then to top it all off my mate ran off to get the ball and he to tripped over the cement curb and he went down as well.

Goddamn it was so embarrassing it was in front of like 30 people as well.


Justin Bieber

I take offence to the generalisation BP :P.

Oh my life is full of broken bones and surgeries, half of which I can't remember!

First broken bones came when I was two, Yes two years old. Apparently I was very inquisitive back then. I somehow managed to break my leg, of which I have no memory as my memory span only goes back to early high school at best besides few memories. The funny part was how I broke it. I was climbing up a unit which held a TV plus other stuff (who knows). As you've guessed it, while I was climbing, the unit fell ontop of me :o. Somehow I managed to escape with a broken leg from what my parents say.

Another was a broken arm I received when I was 7 I think. We were over at a relatives for a little get together. All the kids were playing with a ball in the front yard with a 1m steel fence blocking off from the yard to the road. So the ball goes over the fence and I was too lazy to run around so I jumped the fence (What a rebel I was :P). So I get the ball and chuck it back over. Now here comes the fun part! I was going to jump over the fence again. You see where this is going..... I put one foot on the fence to get over when I suddenly lose balance and slip over the other side. What follows was a horrific sight of my arm you can only see to believe. I landed on my brother's shoe and the bone in my forearm just got smashed upwards. So halfway between my elbow and wrist, the bone just shot up to literally form a right angled triangle with the normal bone. My hand is dangling without a guide from my wrist, now basically useless. The only good thing was that it was basically numbed out by the pain. I have no clue how but couldn't feel a thing so didn't cry :D. By the looks of it, I was lucky as it looked bloody exscruciating! I go in to show my mom and everybody's jaw just dropped.

Long story short, got driven to Monash emergency where I was seen to quite fast :P. The started trying to get my arm set back BEFORE they put my under anestatic ::). THEY PUT ME THROUGH MORE PAIN THAN THE ACTUAL INCIDENT!!! Took like 3 minutes before I finally got under and didn't have to put up with that ::). Had a cast on for 6 months or so.

I've got major incidents but things I'd rather not say.....


Wow this thread keeps getting more and more horrific hah...
Year 11.
Interschool footy.
I remember it well.
My school 8 - 4 - 52 vs other school 7 - 8 - 50
The rain is pouring down. (hence the low scoring)
Intense game as you can imagine. The ball as been balled up for the ruck. Playing on the wing as I usually do I tore into the middle of the ground. With just minutes to go we knew we just needed to hold on. The opposition ruckmen belted the ball forward. A massive pile up occurs just inside 50. I have the job of 'tagging' Jed Wilson (opposition captain). Our designated tagger had broken fingers from earlier in the game so I took up his role. Admittedly I got ahead of myself and forgot about my man. I stood on the opposite side of the ruck contest only to my horror to see this bloke run towards goal with the ball. I chased him. Caught him. Slung him to the ground but unfortunately he landed on me. Muddy boot to the eye-socket. To add to that a teammate was looking to put on the big bump. He obviously missed as I had already made the tackle and he came over the top of us and planted his elbow into my jaw.
There we go. Broken jaw and a fractured eye socket. Needless to say, my girlfriend didn't find me overly appealing for the next month or so. The worst thing was there is nothing you can do apart from 'give it time' to heal.
There was a lot of blood from my eye and it was bloodshot and unsightly for about 3 or 4 months after the incident.
Oh and for those that got this far we did win the game despite giving away a free kick for my teammates 'high bump'
I have more broken bones but that's the most gory haha. Didn't get any surgery just a lot of x-rays and sympathy from coaches, teachers, parents, friends and girlfriend.

Justin Bieber

Ouch EL :o. 2 injuries in a matter of moments is just :o.


Yeah, it was pretty crazy, both on the same side of my face though so it wasn't as bad :)


When i was four me and the family were staying at this old mansion the family used to own in Bothwell, Tasmania (you may have seen it on Getaway recently). Anyway it was Christmas Night and I had just gone to bed in a room upstairs. I couldnt sleep so went over to look out the window at the rest of the family drinking and having fun down below, inexplicably i fell out of the window, the fly screen had broken. I fell two stories on to cement down below and was knocked unconscious, mum thought Id died! Because it was such a rural place it took 45 minutes to get to hospital, and when i got there none of the doctors could wake me up. Luckily in the end all i had was a broken foot. Now it gets interesting.. Afterwards i described this man in the room with me when i fell, and whilst not being able to describe it very well, I was very descriptive about this big buttons he had on him. After doing a bit of research, the family found out the place was actually an old army barracks back in the 1800s, and what do you know? their uniforms had big buttons like i had described.

apart from this iv broken 6 bones in my arm and had 45 stitches in seperate instances :P

roo boys!

Oh wow now that is just WEIRD! Creepy too :-\ :-\ :-\

8-6 Suited

My girlfriend got ran over by a horse at the Dandenong show, when she was 5. Got a fractured skull out of it. :D

I have too many to list. :x


When I was 8 or 9 I was playing cricket with my mate in the schoolyard and i bowled one to him and he edged it straight up above him and i went for the catch and i was focused on the ball and was not looking at anything around me at all and my mate who was batting and it turned out that he was spinning round waving the bat around at head height and then the next thing i new I had been hit in the jaw with a cricket bat and had a bruised bone and a huge lump there for the next couple of weeks