Got Any Funny, Painful or Major Incidents In Your Life?

Started by Windigo, June 01, 2011, 06:44:31 PM

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Justin Bieber

How can you put a smiley next to that Shaggy? :P.

CONSPIRACT daddsy!!! There's a family still living in that house and you saw the long lost 2nd cousin, twice removed from his fathers's sister's aunties's granddaughter's side. :-X.


Quote from: daddsy404 on June 02, 2011, 10:36:30 PM
When i was four me and the family were staying at this old mansion the family used to own in Bothwell, Tasmania (you may have seen it on Getaway recently). Anyway it was Christmas Night and I had just gone to bed in a room upstairs. I couldnt sleep so went over to look out the window at the rest of the family drinking and having fun down below, inexplicably i fell out of the window, the fly screen had broken. I fell two stories on to cement down below and was knocked unconscious, mum thought Id died! Because it was such a rural place it took 45 minutes to get to hospital, and when i got there none of the doctors could wake me up. Luckily in the end all i had was a broken foot. Now it gets interesting.. Afterwards i described this man in the room with me when i fell, and whilst not being able to describe it very well, I was very descriptive about this big buttons he had on him. After doing a bit of research, the family found out the place was actually an old army barracks back in the 1800s, and what do you know? their uniforms had big buttons like i had described.

apart from this iv broken 6 bones in my arm and had 45 stitches in seperate instances :P
wow that is reaaallllyyy weird haha :)


Quote from: daddsy404 on June 02, 2011, 10:36:30 PM
When i was four me and the family were staying at this old mansion the family used to own in Bothwell, Tasmania (you may have seen it on Getaway recently). Anyway it was Christmas Night and I had just gone to bed in a room upstairs. I couldnt sleep so went over to look out the window at the rest of the family drinking and having fun down below, inexplicably i fell out of the window, the fly screen had broken. I fell two stories on to cement down below and was knocked unconscious, mum thought Id died! Because it was such a rural place it took 45 minutes to get to hospital, and when i got there none of the doctors could wake me up. Luckily in the end all i had was a broken foot. Now it gets interesting.. Afterwards i described this man in the room with me when i fell, and whilst not being able to describe it very well, I was very descriptive about this big buttons he had on him. After doing a bit of research, the family found out the place was actually an old army barracks back in the 1800s, and what do you know? their uniforms had big buttons like i had described.

apart from this iv broken 6 bones in my arm and had 45 stitches in seperate instances :P

I live in Hobart, and i'm pretty sure I know that place your talking about in Bothwell! A mate of mine stayed at a farmstead in Ross, and he said that was the scariest night of his life lol.

But for injuries. When I was about 10, I copped a fair hit under my left eye with a 6 iron from a friend of a friend. I only remember the pain and purple dots I could see for a good few hours! Got a nice smashed jaw, and if the club had hit me a few millimeters higher I would have lost my eye!

On the plus side I got a month off school and got to lounge about ;) 


Good for you.

After I'd cut my cheek open I was playing soccer a few days afterwards.  8)

You know Port Arthur? My parents when there when they were touring around Tasmania and they said it was real creepy.

I know all about the ghost stories and convicts etc. But anyway, there camera went bung and wouldn't take any photos anymore after taking  a few around P.A.......

When they got home they tried and it worked....Like nothing had been wrong with it. Same film too.


I know Port Arthur pretty well :) Go camping down that way quiet a bit when it's warmer! Awesome fishing down there too ;)

As for the creepy stuff! It does get quite eerie down around the grounds of a night time... Haven't had anything overly strange happen to me, apart from the odd noise heard in houses.

I've been on 3 or 4 ghost tours when I was going through high school about 12 years ago, and I didn't see any paranormal stuff unfortunately :(

But friends have captured weird stuff on their cameras when they were snapping away! If you ever come down to Tassie, i'd recommend to go down for a look!


When I was about 7 I was at my Auskick and a ball got kicked up high, a pack formed and I jumped to try and Mark the ball, needless to say there was a 4-5 year old camped under it and I collided heads with him, my tooth went through my lip and into The kids head, I have never, ever seen that much blood! I then spent the next night in the hospital with stitches and had to dip my lip into salty water for the next month, so so painful!


I got one for ya didn't happen to me but I caused it, playing softball at primary school I swung the bat hard and then I let it go as I finished swinging the bat, it went flying into my best mate right behind me who was next up it hit his head and he crawled there on all fours bleeding out out of his head I thought he was gonna die but only 14 stitches and some painkillers he was fine thankfully


Just getting discharged from hospital as I am typing this, I suffer from a condition called SVT where my heart races at 220 or more beats per minute while at rest (normal is about 60 to 80) and the only way they can stop it is to inject me with a drug that stops the top chambers of my heart for 3 seconds, so it will re start itself normally. Lots of fun! Supposedly the feeling you get from this drug working is similiar to the feeling you get when you are dying (dunno how the find this stuff out) so it's not much fun

roo boys!


No, but you feel real heavy like you are sinking also everything seems to stop and there is a feeling that runs through your body from head to toe which is hard to explain


Just googles the condition.....Pretty serious stuff there.....(Understatement)

roo boys!

Quote from: ajjewell on June 12, 2011, 03:10:28 PM
No, but you feel real heavy like you are sinking also everything seems to stop and there is a feeling that runs through your body from head to toe which is hard to explain
Wow. So sorry to hear about it.


What is PAINFUL to watch is Adock's scoring. Bloody woeful, 3 bad scores in a row....Keep or drop..


Quote from: Windigo on June 12, 2011, 03:17:59 PM
What is PAINFUL to watch is Adock's scoring. Bloody woeful, 3 bad scores in a row....Keep or drop..
Keep. He is still in the top 7 mids :P


QuoteKeep. He is still in the top 7 mids :P

Top 7 hbacks.