Captain Boyd, Bartel, Selwood, Montagna, Pendels?

Started by DreamteamMFC, May 26, 2011, 08:48:53 PM

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Aww, I was hoping you would go Ablett.  I'm going Chappy.


swan has been carrying an injury and west coast have been crap for the last 2 years. i' m going for chaps or boyd


hope you're right Windigo.....

boyd or buddy is what i'm tossing up...

boyd normally, but dogs are going to get pumped by the hawks....and with buddy playing more mid time plus no strong bulldog defenders, he might kick 10 plus get 25 touches...

very tempted to put the big C on buddy....



Quotehope you're right Windigo....

Boyd Vs Hawthorn (Past 2 Years):

111, 154, 121, & 128

Then 97 & 85 in 2008.

And they are playing at Etihad. He likes playing there.  ;)


darren glass against collingwood.  I wouldn't be surprised if he doubles his average this week!!  the ball will be in the pies fwd half alot!



Danoz...don't think hodge has earned the C badge yet....but buddy is a maybe...

Windigo - yes, know about boyd's history of great scores....but honestly, the Dogs just look shot in comparison to where they have been in recent games, and hawks looking better than they have over laast 2 years.....

so respect the history, but not sure if history will repeat again....

that said - Boyde locked for 100 points's just a question of whether he can pump out 120+