Interest in AEPL NEXT Season

Started by CrowsFan, May 25, 2011, 07:46:03 PM

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Justin Bieber

I'd help as well if needed. Although you'd have to show me what to do as I suck at Excel :P.

You deserve to play this time around Fletch after all the hard work for the first season 8).


I'll be in this season :) :) Was too late to join last season, so would love to see how i fair up against everyone here :)

But someone will have to tell me how it all works though. If it's on the site or not. A draft you say?

But yea i'll join :)

Justin Bieber

Yep. Like the AFL Dynasty draft currently going, there is a random selection for places for the picks. From then on, it's just simple selections. Just need to fill in a team including 2 Keepers, 5 defenders, 5 midfielders and 3 strikers (I think). Can choose in any order you want and it follows the scoring on the official premier league site stats.


Oh ok. I understand. Yea i'll definitely do it.
Keep me posted on when we start.

Also who runs it all and is incharge of all the scoring? CF? Or do we have to find the stats ourselves?
And do the scores include player bonuses?
And there was trading between us yea?

Justin Bieber

We are working on it Luigi but probably CF with some help. You can find your stats if you want to know your score or others but not neccesary.
Yep, bonuses included and even Home ground advantage when we play each other.
Trades yep, but limited to 2 per round during the season. Unlimited before season starts I'm pretty sure.



im intrested in this, havnt done to many soccer fantasy before, but it sound fun

Justin Bieber

And it lives up to the hype if not more! Very entertaining last season as you could trade with other people, even DURING the draft itself! Man I traded alot before we even finished the draft :P.

Going for 10? Or think we could push the limit to 12 with enough interest?


Quote from: Hellopplz on May 30, 2011, 08:23:06 PM
And it lives up to the hype if not more! Very entertaining last season as you could trade with other people, even DURING the draft itself! Man I traded alot before we even finished the draft :P.

Going for 10? Or think we could push the limit to 12 with enough interest?
i woudnt mind 12 but the free agents would b much much less


I'm thinking 12 would make it too hard, 10 seems to be the best number of participants in my mind.
With dylsta in that makes 10, but I'm sure andrew will also want to play. I think some people may not be able to play unfortunately, but was thinking that we could have a wait list and if people stop posting their teams (like it happened this year) they get replaced by someone who wanted to play. Does that sound fair or sound like I am excluding people?


Well i was runner up and top scorer, so i wanna have another crack at the title!! :P

But i dont mind really CF, aslong as im playing aha...


Well the way I was thinking about working out who plays was people who did last year get to play again if they want. Unless they dropped out without a reason (so hawka you can play again since you had no internet), but the three teams who dropped out without a reason (Q, Benjy, Hilly) would be the lowest preference.
Really only seems fair that way...



Yeah pretty much. Which I expect andrew to fill


So it pretty much works like SuperCoach pro?

You do your draft and get the right amount of players per position.
Then you can choose to do trades with other members or trade with un-chosen people in the Draft Pool?