Fairly Solid...

Started by PCR10, May 20, 2011, 02:44:42 PM

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Backs: Gibbs, Goddards, Deledio, Heppell,Newman, Hibberd, Broughton

Mids: Swan, Boyd, Goodes, Montagna, Bartel, Libba
Harris,Krakouer, Irons

Rucks: Sandi, Cox
Z.Smith, Mcauley

Forwards: N. Riewoldt, Pav, Chappy, Buddy, Higgins, Knights, Darling
Matera, Richo, Siposs

one or two players of back line i reckon.
Good side but


broughton, hibberd, libba, darling, probably knights all need to be upgraded... newman as well...


Hibberd will be upgraded, i see libba as a future upgrade still got plenty more cash left in him, Darling and knights are av around 75 80 a game i think and knighta pulled 116 , Newman will stay he was a straight swap for grimes and he is averaging more than grimes was at the time i picked him up! blokes like Lower and Mckernan/ Matera and HArris are all upgrade targets


yeah, straight swap because grime's average included his injured 6, discounting that he was around a 90 avg... knights pulled a 116 against GC, who from memory, have the most goals scored against them, and are probably a bottom 4 side. Darling *could* be a 7th forward, but personally, I wouldn't be wanting him.