is andrew swallow a keeper

Started by Montag, May 20, 2011, 12:24:19 PM

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in his last three is averaging 75 and has dropped to 350k with a season average of 91. is he really a keepr or should i offload him


I'm in the same boat, but I'm keeping him, he should hopefully bounce back, but may trade him just before Roos last bye in the first week of finals.


If he isn't a keeper come finals, I'd upgrade him.  He is a more unique pick that could essentially bust a 120 to win you a matchup.  I'm sure you have more pressing issues that Swallow.  I wouldn't imagine he'd drop much more in price from what he is now.  I'd upgrade your rookies to guns first and then look at him. 

Ultimately, examine and upgrade the positions that create the most points for you. 

Eg, a rookie > gun : may equal a 40 point difference per week.

Swallow > Gun: May equal a 15-25 point difference per week.


last year hundreds nearly every game this year he is getting more attention from opposition teams so its a tough to say


Theres been a few times when he has had woeful scores at 3qtr time, but he seems to junk it up to the ton fairly occasionally.  What slap said, fix up your other problems and get the best score increase you can.


^ I have swallow, and I have to say, I'm disappointed. He's copped heavy tags so far though, so if he can start breaking them he's going to be wracking them up.


im in the same situation with travis boak. But i reckon swallow is a keeper due to last years performances. if u have trades up your sleeve and dont need to upgrade anywhere then by all means go for it and grab a super premium.


looked at his run ahead and its pretty good. i think they play collingwood about round 16 so if he hasnt bounced back by then trade him out


I'm holing until the 1st round of finals and will assess then, if he's still not doing enough he'll become the best available that I don't have....he doesn't miss games and is a tackling machine so think he'll be ok over the length of the year


if he's the biggest problem you have - your team must already be pretty hot !!

value won't change much from where it is now - and only upside I recon....

that said - he is not pulling out premium scores - so pre finals, yep if nothing changes, I would be looking to pull the trigger if you have him.


Only thing i dont like is the rnd 21 bye, but agree with what everyone has said