Assistant Coach Predictions

Started by Nails, May 20, 2011, 11:47:20 AM

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Have you got Assistant Coach? If so do you think the team score predictions it offers are accurate? I find it's normally within 100 points of what I get.

Very happy this week as it's predicting 2,212 :D

What does it predict for you?


I've honestly never had it close to accurate for me, predicted 1600 week one (score 2169)

predicted like 1790 last week roughly (although I dont have it, that's what my mate tells me), and I scored 2000+

gotc imo AC



i got it and was thinking why mine is always so high and i dont score this amount

so i added the averages of my playing best team this week

predicted 2234

rounded average to nearest half 2230.5 so if i didnt round i assume my team would average closer to 2234 (individual players average added together) now the interesting bit for me my team doesnt average 2234 nor have i exceeded the predicted amount which is frustrating because all i want now is not a good team but an average team if my team plays average i will pump out 2200+ but i know that wont happen


Quote from: Chopps on May 20, 2011, 12:22:48 PM
i got it and was thinking why mine is always so high and i dont score this amount

so i added the averages of my playing best team this week

predicted 2234

rounded average to nearest half 2230.5 so if i didnt round i assume my team would average closer to 2234 (individual players average added together) now the interesting bit for me my team doesnt average 2234 nor have i exceeded the predicted amount which is frustrating because all i want now is not a good team but an average team if my team plays average i will pump out 2200+ but i know that wont happen

Guessing you would have added your best 22...

What you have to consider... You have anywhere between 0 and 500 points going missing due to byes

Not all of those players have been in your team all year as you just traded some in

Some players had great starts and are dropping off now.

This could be one of the first weeks you've had your best 22 back on the park since ~round 1