my team is gona top 2000 from round 1

Started by rin tin win, February 25, 2009, 04:00:01 AM

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hahaha why would we wanna copy the dead last team ?


Mate I have tried to help.
I think you may have been better off not posting your guns at all.
I understand that you are reluctant to share your team, as most people are.
What posting a side up here can do for you is help you get your structure right, not so much about the players but identify where too much money has been spent or not enough.

Personally, I think your bluffing.

Granted that you may have a couple of aces up your sleeve that you don't want to share but you had $2M left to spend on 16 players and believe me, there just isn't that much secret talent out there for that price.


then what is the point in putting a team thats half filled??? and not to mention the fact that you have only chosen premium players, thus leaving very littole for the rest of the team!! did you think we were going to be full of praise at what an excellent start to a squad you had???or do you want us to think you have some secret players that we have never heard of??? clearly this site is for people who love dream team and know their stuff, you are just some fool wasting ppls time!!!


We could start a league with everyone that's posted on this thread.

I'll make a prediction.

After 22 rounds position of rin tin win : 16th.

Time to put up or shut up.


haha definately in on that. rin tin win, what do you think

rin tin win

lads if i had needed help with my team "structure" i would have asked for it

i can appreciate just why you guys r concerned, i b concerned as wel if i were in your shoes, id luv to be in a league n take yous all on.

im the man to beat remember that, share the league code please n ill b in

dont let me catch yous napping in round 1, yous myt not catch up!!!!!


easy guys, he knows not what he speaks, he's a carlton supporter


Hey rin tin, if you are so confident then sign up for one of the Fan Footy leagues in the leagues board and show us all just how good you are (and don't worry your precious secrets will not be able to be seen until after the lockout!) I don't care what your players are but i would relish giving you a serious hiding where it counts so bring it on if you have enough sack gay wad


DT CODE FAN FOOTY 665479, Can't wait to see your precious team get thrashed by some people who actually have a clue,

There is no way you will join!!!



rin tin win you are such a tool!!!

what makes you think that ur team is so much better than everyone elses here and that only you know all these secret players???

get over urself and if i was you i would get a new account because no one is going to take u seriously again!

rin tin win

u guys sound like a bunch of computer geeks, yous hav got ur knickers in a bunch over my 'secrets' ahahah

ive enterd your league as i have nothing to b afraid of, by the looks of the reaction i got out of you it is yous that are afraid.

my teams name is sidebet fc, youll find me after round 1 if you look at the top of the ladder!!!!!!!


this guy has to be the biggest twat I've ever come across, mate dont think for one second you have any more information on any player than what we all have.  You might have a boyfriend who knows a footballer that told you a few rookies that will get some game time this year, mate for anyone that is even remotely interested in DT, has already dont their homework on these players... so neck up and come back to us when you can field a full squad because your so called 'secrets' arent getting a game... TWAT!!

rin tin win

join the league blue balls and do ur talkin afta round 1


wats the league code so i can join matey.

oh and btw this is my team everyone ...feel free to copy it...

fletcher, dempsey, lovett - murray, mcphee, myers, nash, ryder (quinn , pears)

Stanton(c), watson, mcveigh, welsh, prismall, houli (dyson, lonergan)

Hille, bellchambers ( jasonshowercowlaycock, bock)

lloyd, lovett, lucas, monfries, reimers, davey, jetta (neagle, gumbleton)