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ahh well this sucks

Started by dylsta05, May 17, 2011, 06:49:27 PM

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Cookie Monster

don't quite know what you mean there?


Below is Cookie Monsters 1st post ...

Quote from: Cookie Monster on June 02, 2011, 06:05:25 PM
i have been reading this as a guest, and i don't think HillHero13 will be lying about this, if you can't see it m0nty, then it must have been said over something that you are not able to see, probably email, but i just wanted to say, that if an very respected member left just like that? he wouldn't have done it.

P.S i have been on here as a guest for a couple of weeks waiting to register but i couldn't think of a username.

btw m0nty, does it come up if they deleted it?

Seriously who would ever make this as their very first post.

Hilly and Dylly, you guys chose to leave this Forum for reasons only you guys will know, but please don't come back on here under new names and flower up this forum.

Justin Bieber

Wow, this has gotten out of hand :o. I don't care who's who, for all I know I'm not me :-X. This is turning into anarchy and constant allegations. Whether they are true or not, does it REALLY matter? I honestly don't care if he was Dylsta or not. It's up to them if they decide to come back and not up to us to push them or maybe other people out :).

As the words a wise man says, Stay Premium ;).


ur right HP but do they really have to lie about it as well?...


Juddernaut has now deactivated

Justin Bieber

Ever think they want a fresh start? Did he really do anything bad this time around besides from lieing to make a new FF identity?

Don't forget that long night in Chat all those weeks/months ago ;).




Quote from: Hellopplz on June 05, 2011, 11:20:15 PM
Ever think they want a fresh start? Did he really do anything bad this time around besides from lieing to make a new FF identity?

Don't forget that long night in Chat all those weeks/months ago ;).

lol no I somehow forgot that :ninja but we would never have made up a lie like that O_o

Honestly I lost all respect for Dyl when he lied about breaking his leg & I was never going to be friendly when he came back :-X



As far as i can see Dylsta is just a kid who made a mistake,is there anyone here who hasn't made one when
they were young and been embarrassed by it, give the kid a break no pun intended. As far as the abuse going on
well that's another story, i understand the person leaving that was copping it regarding a deceased Grandparent
i personally wouldnt want to be abused or constantly be reminded of that by some scum bag that doesnt have the intelligence
or the moral fortitude of a slug to know how cruel that is. I believe in Karma and what goes around comes around and
im sure at some stage they will get theirs in spades full. What does concern me is if people continue to leave because of
it, is all we are doing is giving the scum all the power and for whatever reason the satisfaction with what they are doing is
succeeding. First thing all should do is remove their email address from their profile and if already copping it through emails
take 5 minutes to create a new one and send it to all their contacts, this is a pain and would be worse for some that do
business through it or had it for years but whats the alternative,i dont see one really, block them maybe not sure.
I am well aware people can be vicious and cruel in what they say but c'mon "Sticks and Stones will break my bones" guys,
if being abused by someone in cyber space whom you have never met forces you to change your lifestyle then i really think that
you may have other issues that need addressing. All that achieves is they win and we all loose because we are loosing quality
people that will be genuinely missed by alot of other decent people here. Please do not empower them anymore than we have already by walking away this will achieve nothing and only deflect it onto somebody else. They'll get bored soon enough as their sorry little minds wont be able to handle being ignored and they will move onto children in the playground and insects in their garden. Lets not loose anyone else because of this poor excuse for a human being.



^ I'm backing Grazz. If Dyl/Hilly want to start fresh here, I say we let them. No point constantly pointing out who they are, if another account like 'Juddernaught' Pops up, and it's obviously Dyl, I say just let it be.

Kinda douchebaggy to do otherwise.

Master Q

Although I am 100% sure that Hilly and Dylsta have both created new accounts, let's not forget - This is my second account. And as much as I'd hate to say it (Gotta be honest), this was my first post:

Re posting ranks:

Quote from: Master Q on March 01, 2010, 10:34:21 AM
And then you move to Coach. Only a few of them.

Only difference is:

1. I didn't go out with a huge bang

2. Didn't make it obvious

3. Didn't make an account the day I wanted to change names (Had a month or 2 break of FF).

4. Had more of an legit reason (IMO)

Perfection. It's the way I do things.



Pretty sure Hilly has let it be known what his new account is. I don't think he has made a big deal of it coming back.