Read and leave feedback if you're a good bloke

Started by elephants, May 17, 2011, 01:40:21 PM

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What do you think of the Game Plan

I think it might work!?
1 (25%)
You have wayyy too much time on your hands!! but it should work
1 (25%)
You are joking. Not a chance this will work (why)
0 (0%)
You have wayyy too much time on your hands!! and i don't think it will work (why)
2 (50%)

Total Members Voted: 1


Okay so here is the Game Plan...

Round 9
Matera - I. Smith                           ($108,000)
Mckernan - Suckling                       (-$141,000)
($70,000 left over)

Round 10
Lower - Jacobs                               ($110,000)
Tapscott - Lynch                            ($104,500)
($284,500 left over)

Round 11
Harris - Marc Murphy                    (-$145,000)
Stanley - Adcock                          (-$139,000)
($500 left over)

Round 12
Libba - Mzungu                         (250,000)
(250,500 left over)

Round 13
I. Smith - Chappy                      (-200,000)
($50,500 left over)

Round 14
Swallow - Pendles                     (-200,000)
Z. Smith - 80ker                       (220,000)
(70,500 left over)

This will leave me with...
10 trades
10 rounds to go

Thoughts? Corrections? Also if I am in any f your leagues don't worry as i am more ineterested in overall.
thanks heaps for reading if you got this far, LE

Oh, and this will be my final team and final bench

Gibbs, Heppell, Enright, Rawlings, Godd, Suckling, Adcock

Swan, Boyd, Bartel, Mitchell, M. Murphy, Pendlebury

Cox, Sandi

Sylvia, Fyfe, Buddy, Knights, Riewoldt, Didak, Chappy

Benches will be

Toy, Puopolo, Jacobs

Bewick, Hibberd, Mzungu

Jippett (f/r), 80ker

Petrie (cover for forwards and backs), Richardson, Tom Lynch


$104k on Tapscott to Lynch and 110k Lower to Jacobs is a but wishful in my opinion. Might give you a few dramas there for the next week. Apart from that the theory looks solid.


yeah some are a bit rough but it keeps it nice and interesting ;)
Will do some research on Callinan to see when he is coming back. he would give me plenty of $$ to work with :)


Do not get rid of Z.Smith man, check it (look how nice I am, researching for you and all that)

Round 16   BYES: Adelaide   Fremantle         Melbourne

Leaves you without, Sandi (petrie cover), Knights, Fyfey, Sylvia in forwards ONLY

You will cop at least 1 donut, probably two.

No problem.

Guilt tripping me to check your team... :P


wow cheers spite, never really thought that far tbh.
i will make my team up on the old fanplanner and see how we are looking then :) cheers, you're a good bloke.


will have to look at some sort of knights trade there somewhere spite.
the chances of him getting injured in that time frame is pretty high so...


Maybe try knights to goodes at some point in time before round 15?


LE, are you cross posting? You should know better. You can ask me to move yr post anytime if you made a mistake!


sorry pros. wasn't sure where this would best fit. i am posting my full team so i thought rate my dt but then i am really asking about trades and players.
remove this topic please pros
won't happen again :)