FanFooty Dream Teamer of the Round: Round 8! CLOSED

Started by LaHug, May 16, 2011, 01:20:38 AM

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Hey guys, if you haven't seen the DTer of the Round thread yet, see here:,33162.0.html

If you think you might have a shot at being the top FanFooty Dream Teamer of Round 8, or just feel like sharing your score/rank, post how many points you scored, your score rank for that round and your team name.

The winner will be acknowledged for eternity in the Hall of Fame!

You will have until midnight tomorrow (Monday) to get your scores in. After that, this thread will be locked.
No bogus! I will be checking!



And (despite an awful week) I will start things off as per usual...
Team name: LaHug
Score: 1903
Round rank: 51553



Team name: Voltage
Score: 1884
Round Rank: 58975

Eliminated from eliminator :( 2209 last week


I'm in the lead :D
Overall rank 2700 ish
Won't go into much detail because the next post will top my score easy :P


I'll bother typing in this round as I'll take the current lead off you Ele  :P
Score: 2033
Name: TheHackIsBack
Rd 8 ranking: 11,791
Overall ranking: 6,496


This is the problem with running this... You get to see how many people smashed you because it always comes up in "new replies"... Keep 'em coming, guys!


Movin' on up...

Score: 2128
Name: Hopies Hardnuts
Rnd 8 ranking: 1,658
Overall ranking: 819

8-6 Suited

I'd like to forget this season entirely, fantasy-wise.


Score: 2067
Name: The Glynmen VII
Rnd 8 ranking: 6521
Overall ranking: 188


Quote from: 8-6 Suited on May 16, 2011, 05:40:37 AM
I'd like to forget this season entirely, fantasy-wise.
c'mon Shaggy, get your butt into gear (esp your SC team - RRML is the 27th ranked league this rd!! want that front page!!)  ;)

how's bubs by the way??


Round 9: 2087
rd ranking 4,333
overall: 1,583
do I still have a chance to win?
I'm going to have a new premium every week barring LTI's...


the top competitors would need their uniques that are giving them the edge to fail pretty hard.


Score - 2138
Team name - IveGotTheGoodes
Round rank - 1276
Overall - 3136


score: 2235 (rank 56 tittans)
Overall: 1600 --- went up 5400 spots :D
Rank 56

Could i win only problem is that i have a super generic team but still have 3 midfielders to get in


look mate, if you keep scoring 2200+ yeah you can. But apart from that, unlikely.

and it can't be that generic, or everyone else would have score 2200 :D
